This Widower's Valentine's Day Tree Tradition Will Warm Your Heart

Ken Lambert / Seattle Times
Ken Lambert / Seattle Times

A certain plum tree grows in Seattle, proving that love truly never dies. No, love continues to bloom. Spotted by the Seattle Times, Caring widower Herb Allwine has decorated the plum tree rooted in his front yard for each holiday — Easter, the Fourth of July, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and even Valentine's Day — since his wife, Mary Lou's passing in 2009. Before Allwine took over the tradition, it was his wife, Mary Lou, who faithfully decorated their favorite tree for every major calendar holiday.

Together, it was not only a tradition but a favorite activity among the pair. Today, as one holiday transitions into the next, Herb continues to decorate the tree residing outside his Phinney Ridge front yard. His current tree adornments are for Valentine's Day.

[TRY THIS: A DIY Countdown Calendar to Celebrate Valentine's Day]

Ken Lambert / Seattle Times
Ken Lambert / Seattle Times

Being that it's Valentine's Day makes this tradition as lovely as it is remarkably sweet to have Herb Allwine continuing his wife's fondness for decorating their favorite tree. If Herb's lovable Valentine's Day tree adorned with twinkling lights, red hearts, and conversation look-a-like ornaments has inspired you to create a lovely tree of your very own you're in luck!

Mike Krautter
Mike Krautter

Here's an idea: Take today to craft a series of glittering heart ornaments to hang on a small tree of your very own. While Herb's tree twinkles with love and lights for himself and neighborhood to see yours will look right at home glittering in a perfect corner or perched nearby a window. Surely, this is a festive holiday touch you can do year after year. Who knows? With handmade ornaments, your Valentine's Day tree tradition may last well beyond 20 years too.

[DIY: Glittering Heart Ornaments]