Why You Should Try Eating One Raw Meal Per Day

Raw broccoli = yes please! (Photo: Flickr/cyclonebill)

Think about how you feel after you eat a steak or a hamburger and fries. Sluggish? Tired? Heavy?

What about after you have a fruit smoothie or a salad? Light? Energetic?

That’s because our bodies are meant to ingest fresh fruits and vegetables. And Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram hopes to share that message with as many people as she can.

Fully Raw Kristina (as she is known on the internet) has been a raw vegan for the past 10 years, and her energy and health speak for themselves. She also founded and now runs the largest co-op for fresh produce in the U.S.

It can be hard to think about changing your lifestyle to only include raw produce, but that’s what Kristina did. In her eyes, having one raw meal per day can change your life.

Indeed, health experts say that there are certain kinds of produce that are most nutritious when they’re uncooked — like broccoli and bell peppers, for instance. Kristina encourages people to try eating one raw meal a day, one that’s chockfull of nutritious produce, and seeing how it changes how they feel.

If you chose a smoothie over a bagel, or a salad over a hamburger once a day, what do you think that would do for your overall health?

For my full conversation with Kristina, listen below:

For more on Kristina, click here.


ABOUT LEWIS HOWES: Lewis is a pro-athlete turned lifestyle entrepreneur who hosts the top-ranked podcast The School of Greatness. He interviews the best and brightest minds in health, entrepreneurship, relationships and lifestyle. Follow Lewis on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Read This Next: Cooked vs. Raw: Which Vegetables Are Better For You?