Why Spending $120 on an Anti-Aging Sheet Mask Isn’t Too Silly

Why Spending $120 on an Anti-Aging Sheet Mask Isn’t Too Silly

Spending $120 on a beauty product is definitely a splurge, but it's easy to justify when you get multiple uses out of it. But a $120, single-use sheet mask is a little silly, I'll admit. The only way I can justify shelling out that much cash is if the results are truly mind-blowing. Luckily, Sulwhasoo's Concentrated Ginseng Renewing Creamy Mask made my skin pretty damn happy.

The product is meant to provide your skin with the same benefits of the brand's Concentrated Ginseng Renewing Cream EX. That anti-aging cream, which is a Sulwhasoo hero product that I adore, uses ginseng to firm and soften the skin, as well as other ingredients to hydrate and boost your glow. This product is basically a jar of the cream infused into a sheet mask.

It feels like it, too. Unlike other sheet masks I've used that are light and wet, this mask is heavier and more creamy. The product doesn't drip off the mask, but instead covers your skin like a shield. It feels like you've applied a heavy moisturizer or a traditional mask, and you're letting it sink in and work its magic. It has a slight herbal, earthy scent that's really relaxing.

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The sheet mask feels hefty, thanks to a double-wrapped technology that helps the cream seep into your skin. It's separated into two parts: a mask that fits around your eyes and nose, and a mask for around your lips and jaw line. After you apply it to clean skin, you let it sit for about 20 minutes. When you peel it off and gently pat in any excess cream, your skin is supposed to look noticeably hydrated, luminous, and firm.

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I applied this mask after being up for 17 hours—which included a full day's work at the office, an after-work obligation, and an intense workout—and I was shocked at how healthy and restored my face looked in such a short period of time.

My budget doesn't allow for a weekly dose of this mask, but once a month? I think there might be some wiggle room.