Why a soggy autumn might need you to rethink your Christmas dinner

Many of us dream of the ideal Christmas dinner, but this year we need to be versatile
Many of us dream of the ideal Christmas dinner, but this year we need to be versatile - Andrew Crowley for The Telegraph

Be it turkey or goose, a roast bird is undoubtedly the star of the Christmas dinner table. But it wouldn’t be a festive banquet without the supporting cast of winter veg to keep it company. Grocery shoppers have, however, been faced with empty supermarket shelves in recent weeks after an October washout left fields flooded, meaning farmers have been unable to pick some of our favourite tubers, roots and greens.

Experts say that around 20 per cent of this year’s potato crop has been flooded and that the cost of broccoli has doubled. So how bad is the shortage, and which Christmas vegetables will be affected?

“It’s pretty wet at the moment and the Met Office is predicting cold, wet weather in December, so it doesn’t fill you with confidence,” says Martin Tate, director of Lincolnshire Field Products and chairman of the Brassica Growers Association (BGA).

The UK broccoli-growing season usually runs from June until mid-November, but it was brought to a premature end this year due to a spell of unseasonal wet weather in October caused by Storm Agnes and Storm Babet. “Because we had such a wet October, a lot of product rotted in the field,” explains Tate.

Footage of waterlogged farms across the country play like scenes from Apocalypse Now, with once-fertile fields transformed into stagnant swampland and the corpses of drowned vegetables poking out of the murky water.

Normally, British suppliers would transition to buying broccoli from Spain at this time of year. But a scorching October drought that hit southern Spain – where the majority of the country’s vegetable farming takes place – has created the perfect storm, leaving suppliers scrambling. “There is general concern among Spanish growers that due to the water shortage, productivity will be limited all the way through to the start of the English season next June,” says Tate.

And it’s not just broccoli that is thin on the ground. Carrots, parsnips, cauliflower and Britain’s favourite Christmas vegetable, the potato, might also be at risk.

“It’s been an awful year for potato growers,” says Scott Walker, CEO of GB Potatoes, a trade body for the industry. “It was too dry at the beginning of the season, then we had two terrible storms, along with some flooding on the east coast of the UK.”

The much-maligned sprout, cooked well, is a worthy substitute for broccoli
The much-maligned sprout, cooked well, is a worthy substitute for broccoli - E+

As a result, “several hundred acres’ worth” of potatoes have been left inundated, according to Mike Thomas, a spokesman for the National Farmers Union. Tate says this could cause problems “until the new crop appears next summer. I’m led to believe that carrots and parsnips in the ground are suffering too,” he warns.

“There is a shortage of cauliflower at the moment for similar reasons,” adds Tate. “The big caveat is the weather returning to normal. Last year we had a lot of sub-zero temperatures, which damaged the crop. If the same thing happens this year we could have difficulties up to Christmas and beyond.”

All this paints a gloomy picture for British growers, who have been living through nightmarish times, given the cost of living crisis is already eating into ever-diminishing profit margins. Tate says that many had already scaled back production in recent years because of the financial strain.

Indeed, BGA figures show the amount of land dedicated to broccoli growing in the UK has been cut by 7.8 per cent from 21,325 acres in 2015 to 19,650 in 2022. From 2022 to 2023, the total area of potato crops fell by 12 per cent to 202,626 acres, according to Defra.

“There’s a reason why the brassica acreage in the UK has been reducing since 2017,” says Tate. “Although we are all passionate about what we do, there comes a point where you have to question its viability in the long term.”

Walker adds: “Because of climate change we can expect these extremes of weather to become more and more common in the UK.”

According to independent grocers, the shortage of broccoli in supermarkets is not purely a result of there being too little of the veg to go around, but of supermarkets refusing to pay higher prices for foreign comestibles while UK fields are flooded.

There are some winners in all of this, however. “The problem is that supermarkets don’t like to buy it if it’s pricey – that’s why in certain stores they’ll just have empty shelves,” says Tom Hagon, owner of Reg the Veg, a tiny, family-run grocer in Bristol. “During the salad crisis at the start of the year, and with the shortages now, our shelves have been fully stocked – you just have to pay a little bit more.”

Cabbage might seem like an everyday vegetable, but it’s hugely versatile
Cabbage might seem like an everyday vegetable, but it’s hugely versatile - Andrew Crowley for The Telegraph

Chris Bavin, presenter of BBC One’s Eat Well For Less?, adds: “The retail market works on fixed price programmes over a longer period of time, whereas greengrocers buy in small quantities, so they can afford to be a bit more nimble.”

This is exactly what Hagon is doing: up until the start of November, he was buying British broccoli. But a couple of weeks ago, he switched over to Spanish broccoli, which not only accumulates more food miles but also costs twice as much, at £4.50/kg. Naturally, this cost is passed on to customers. “Most of my customers understand,” he says. “If everyone buys locally and seasonally it’s cheaper, but if you want things out of season, it comes at a price.”

The impact of vegetable shortages on top of high food prices caused by the cost of living is clear, with the price of new potatoes and broccoli climbing by 12 and 14 per cent respectively in the past year, according to ONS data.

This has an impact on healthy eating habits as families discard vegetables from their shopping trolleys (in 2022, a YouGov poll found that a fifth of people cut down on buying fresh vegetables because of soaring food prices).

So what other options are out there? “As customers, I think we need to be a bit more open- minded,” says Bavin. “If you go in to buy broccoli but it’s unavailable or expensive, try something else. There are some fabulous cabbages available at the moment – be that primo, savoy or hispi.

“Ask your greengrocer what’s good value,” he recommends. “The humble savoy cabbage is super cheap and it’s delicious. Sprouts are coming in as well – they aren’t just for Christmas. They taste great and they’re reasonably good value.”

If you need an alternative to broccoli or potatoes, try these recipes...

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