Why Reliable SMPTE Cables Are a Must for Sports Broadcast Productions

 Canare SMPTE cables.
Canare SMPTE cables.

Jesse Madison, founder and CEO of both Purple Tally Productions, a live event crewing company, and The Fiber Guy, a fiber optics retail, repair, and installation company, works with high-profile broadcast clients like MLB, NFL, NHL and XFL. For high-quality optic cabling, Madison trusts Canare SMPTE cables, which he has been using since he first discovered the brand.

“I walked by the Canare booth at NAB 2015 and saw them demoing a SMPTE camera cable in a very unconventional way,” he recalled. “They were bending it, pinching it, and tying it in knots all day long; it just wouldn’t break. I couldn’t believe it was still working. I immediately contacted them to become a dealer. I told them that I had started a company and wanted people to associate me with selling the best products. For me, that’s Canare’s 7T, 7N, 9T and 9N; I don’t know of any cables that compare, in terms of durability and reliability.”

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Recently, Madison employed Canare for some sporting projects, including regular network broadcasts of an American football league and global broadcasts of a world soccer tournament. “When we were contacted to assist with the broadcast of these games, the order called for quite a bit of SMPTE camera cable, as part of the traveling package for each of the league’s stadiums,” added Madison. “I’ve talked Canare up so much over the years that the network specifically requested Canare for this project, and we were happy to oblige. For viewers watching those games, it’s very likely those are being brought to you on Canare cables.”

In addition to the brand’s high-quality solutions, Madison also lauded Canare for its durability. “Every TV production truck has its own cables―whether it’s from a network or a contractor like us," said Madison. "Those cables get unrolled, run around, used for the show, rolled back up, thrown back in the bin, and trucked around the country over and over again. Many times, the network will also leave cables installed at stadiums they go to repeatedly. Regardless of the situation, it is critical that those cables can stand up to the wear and tear. Canare cables are incredibly durable and user-friendly, beyond anything else I have seen on the market. They end up being the favorite for a lot of people because of the way they wrap up so easily. Their construction is also a standout as the cables include shock resistant, dense rubber protectors on the connectors.”

Another concern that Canare solves for Madison is maintaining cable integrity over long distances. “Many people worry if their cameras are going to fire up with a 1,500-foot chunk of SMPTE cable and whether the voltage is going to make the trip,” he said. “I have never had to worry about a Canare cable coming up short in that aspect. Another great thing about Canare is that they are very user-friendly. With the build, durability, wrap-ability and usability all considered, Canare ends up being a fan favorite among our customer base.”

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Madison plans to continue using Canare moving forward. “When you own a company like mine, which is reputation-based, people aren’t looking for you to provide the cheapest, most affordable product; people want to know right away what’s the best and most cost effective,” he added. “Many brands wear out over time and broadcasters find themselves installing new equipment down the road. Once you buy Canare, you won’t need to worry about replacing it for a long time. On top of that, Canare’s customer service is top-notch―the company’s representatives are always able to handle the projects we throw at them. With Canare’s high-quality solutions, timelines, price and outstanding team of representatives, it is a clear choice for me.”