Why You Probably Won't Get a Cold and the Flu at the Same Time

Why You Probably Won't Get a Cold and the Flu at the Same Time A recent study found that people who come down with either a cold or the flu are unlikely to simultaneously contract the other illness. The study drew from over 44,000 cases of respiratory illness over 9 years. The study authors wrote that they found "strong support" for a negative interaction between influenza and the common cold. In other words, once someone's been attacked by one virus, they may be less susceptible to a second one. But getting the flu doesn't necessarily mean you'll have a temporary shield protecting you from all other illnesses. In fact, contracting the flu can make you more susceptible to harmful bacteria, like pneumonia. There's no getting around the fact that the flu and the cold both suck, but at least now you know they're unlikely to team up against you.