Why Prince William Might Miss the Birth of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's Baby

Photo credit: RICHARD POHLE - Getty Images
Photo credit: RICHARD POHLE - Getty Images

From Town & Country

Meghan Markle's due date remains shrouded in a degree of mystery, but it's widely believed that baby Sussex will arrive sometime in April. Sadly, the timing may not be ideal for one royal relative.

Prince William has been asked by Queen Elizabeth to visit New Zealand on her behalf in late April. The visit was planned in the wake of the Christchurch attack, and William's activities will center around honoring the victims and families of those involved in the tragedy.

"The Duke will meet with those affected by the attack and will pay tribute to the extraordinary compassion and solidarity that the people of New Zealand have displayed in recent weeks," Buckingham Palace explained in a statement. A full itinerary for the trip is forthcoming.

Photo credit: Samir Hussein - Getty Images
Photo credit: Samir Hussein - Getty Images

Meghan and Prince Harry will surely understand if William's visit to New Zealand happens to coincide with the birth of their first child. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex were actually the first royals to make an appearance related to the attacks. On March 19, the couple went to New Zealand House to pay their respects. According to royal reporter Emily Nash, they were asked to make the appearance as they were the last royals to visit New Zealand.

Meghan and Harry also sent their condolences in a joint message with the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. Read their words in full below.

Our hearts go out to the families and friends of the people who lost their lives in the devastating attack in Christchurch.

We have all been fortunate to spend time in Christchurch and have felt the warm, open-hearted and generous spirit that is core to its remarkable people.

No person should ever have to fear attending a sacred place of worship.

This senseless attack is an affront to the people of Christchurch and New Zealand, and the broader Muslim community. It is a horrifying assault on a way of life that embodies decency, community, and friendship.

We know that from this devastation and deep mourning, the people of New Zealand will unite to show that such evil can never defeat compassion and tolerance.

We send our thoughts and prayers to everyone in New Zealand today.

Kia Kaha.

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