Why Prince George and Princess Charlotte Will Likely Never Live in Buckingham Palace

The British royal family may be looking to downsize their over-the-top and lavish lifestyle, at least when it comes to their homes.

According to reports, the next generation of royals, including Prince Charles and Prince William, may buck royal tradition by leaving Buckingham Palace for more modern and cost-effective homes instead.

As Marie Claire explained, Prince Charles, the next heir apparent, believes “the big house” is “too large and costly for modern life.” And as he and his wife Camilla are already settled and happy at Clarence House, which is estimated to be worth a royally modest $76.5 million, they will likely remain there throughout his eventual reign.

Prince William, Kate, and their children Prince George and Princess Charlotte will also likely never step foot inside Buckingham as permanent residents. Instead, they too will likely stay at their current home, Kensington Palace, even after William one day takes the throne.

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Though, they will likely have to share the rather large home with its other occupants for years to come as Prince Harry, the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester, the Duke and Duchess of Kent, and Prince and Princess Michael of Kent also call Kensington home. Oh, and they will also likely have to share it with a few nosey tourists as parts of the home, including its State Rooms, remain open to the public.

But it’s not like Buckingham will go to waste. As Vogue noted, Prince Charles is reportedly considering making it more of a “royal HQ” and opening it for public tours six months out of the year. (It should be noted that Clarence House officials deny this plan and say Buckingham will remain the official Royal Residence.)

And if the royals ever get tired of the crowds and their “cramped” living quarters at Kensington and Clarence House, they could change their minds and move over to Buckingham. It does have 775 rooms including 19 state rooms, 52 royal and guest bedrooms, 188 staff bedrooms, 92 offices, and 78 bathrooms, after all.