Why Do People Drink Red Raspberry Leaf Tea During Pregnancy?

And does it really help with labor? We turned to experts to find out.

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Medically reviewed by Alyssa Dweck, MS, MD, FACOG

For centuries, red raspberry leaf tea has been touted as being beneficial for everything from treating the common cold to reducing menstrual cramps. It has even been used in pregnancy to facilitate womb wellness and stimulate labor. If you're currently pregnant, you may be wondering about the health benefits of red raspberry leaf tea—and if there are any risks.

“Most of what we know about red raspberry leaf has been passed down orally, or written in journals of botanists, midwives, and natural healers,” says Kristin Mallon, CNM, MS, RNC-OB, a board-certified nurse midwife, certified obstetrical nurse, and co-founder and CEO of FemGevity Health.

Ahead, we'll explore the advantages of drinking red raspberry leaf tea during pregnancy, the risks associated with its consumption, and how to determine if it is right for you.

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It's important to know that there is a minimal amount of high quality clinical research surrounding red raspberry leaf tea and its safety during pregnancy. For this reason, please be sure to consult a health care provider if you plan on consuming this drink while expecting.

What Is Red Raspberry Leaf Tea?

Red raspberry leaf tea, or Rubus idaeus, is an herbal tea made from the dried leaves of the red raspberry plant, says Himali Maniar, MBBS, DGO, an OB-GYN and fertility expert at Nisha Women's Hospital and IVF Centre. As a mildly sweet and earthy tea, it tastes similar to black tea and has been used for centuries as an aid to help people in pregnancy, labor, and postpartum recovery, she adds.

Additionally, the leaves are thought to have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial effects. It also can be used to manage or relieve symptoms of the common cold, fever, gastrointestinal issues, and menstrual cramps. 

How Does Red Raspberry Leaf Tea Affect Pregnancy?

While limited human research exists on red raspberry leaf tea during pregnancy, some studies suggest that its consumption during pregnancy may help strengthen uterine walls and improve labor outcomes—decreasing interventions and complications, says Kelsey Costa, MS, RDN., a registered dietitian nutritionist and health research specialist with the National Coalition on Healthcare.

Red raspberry leaf tea also may help regulate hormones during pregnancy by promoting progesterone production and reducing morning sickness symptoms, says Dr, Maniar. In addition, it can help nourish pregnant people due to its high mineral content, including iron and calcium. And some studies also have suggested that red raspberry leaf tea can help shorten labor, reduce the need for medical interventions, and decrease the chances of a c-section, she says.

“There are a ton of ways that red raspberry leaf tea can help during pregnancy,” adds Morgan Dixon, a holistic nutritionist, certified lactation consultant, postpartum doula, and an advisor for Swehl's Motherboard. “Some are actually proven through studies, others are anecdotal but commonly reported—such as strengthening the amniotic sac, balancing hormones, quelling morning sickness, and improving the efficiency of contractions.”

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Does Red Raspberry Leaf Tea Induce Labor?

It is pretty common to hear someone mention how quickly their labor started after they drank red raspberry leaf tea, but Dixon says that may actually be due to the fact that they had been drinking the tea throughout pregnancy. “It is definitely not advised to down a ton of [the tea] with the sole purpose of getting the ball rolling on labor—especially if you are not yet full term.”

In fact, drinking a large amount of red raspberry leaf tea in hopes of  jump-starting labor could actually cause a lot of unintended consequences, Costa warns. Doing so could trigger uterine cramps, nausea, or diarrhea, resulting in discomfort and distress, she says.

“I wish it were that easy to induce labor,” Mallon adds. “If it were, you would not hear stories about the induction of labor that takes two to three days.”

Health Benefits of Red Raspberry Leaf Tea

If your goal is to support overall uterine health, red raspberry leaf tea can be incredibly beneficial, says Dixon. “It can help with period cramping and symptoms, and it is packed with vitamins and minerals that [are beneficial for people] during their fertile years. Outside of that, it is also great for digestive and respiratory health.”

Drinking red raspberry leaf tea during pregnancy also could help reduce nausea, support a healthy immune system, aid in labor and delivery, and help to reduce the risk of postpartum hemorrhage, Costa says. However, further research is necessary before definitive conclusions can be drawn, she adds.

Risks of Red Raspberry Leaf Tea in Pregnancy

The primary risk associated with red raspberry leaf tea is an allergic reaction, says Dr. Maniar. “Some people may experience itching, rashes, or swelling after consuming the tea. Additionally, some experts believe that drinking too much of the tea can cause contractions prior to 37 weeks gestation and should be avoided by women who are at risk for preterm labor.”

Likewise, most midwives and OB-GYNs recommend avoiding red raspberry leaf tea during the first trimester, says Dixon. The reason for this is that it could potentially cause contractions which could interfere with implantation and early pregnancy, she says.

There also is a slight risk of dehydration, due to the fact that red raspberry leaves have a mild diuretic effect, adds Costa. “It may also have a mild laxative effect, too, so it’s essential to discuss the tea with your healthcare provider before consuming it if you have any gastrointestinal issues.”

Is Red Raspberry Leaf Tea Right for Me?

For many people, red raspberry leaf tea is a safe and healthy beverage. However, because research on its effects is limited, it is not recommended for pregnant people with pre-existing health conditions or those who experience any adverse reactions while drinking it, Costa says.

That said, moderate consumption—1 to 3 cups per day—later in pregnancy does not seem to carry significant risks, says Costa. (During early pregnancy, however, be sure to limit intake to just 1 cup per day or not at all.) “Red raspberry leaf tea also can interfere with certain medications, so it is important to discuss its use with a health care provider before consuming it if you are taking any medication.”

If you find yourself with lingering questions regarding red raspberry leaf tea during pregnancy, or you're worried it might not be the right choice for you, be sure to consult with a health care provider.

Related: Your Guide to Drinking Tea During Pregnancy

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