Why Parents Need to Stop Sliding Into Each Others DMs Over School Disputes

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When Parents Get Involved on Social MediaFG Trade - Getty Images

When Sarah Marpell’s 5-year-old daughter came home from school and told her mom the lunchroom monitor called her a monkey, she was incensed. As a mom of a Black child, she’s used to speaking up about racial bias in her Houston community, and posted about the incident on social media. Like many parents, Marpell took her kid’s story as an actual account of what happened.

However, kindergarteners are not always the most reliable reporters: “It turned out to be a lunch monitor who had made the comment as she was teaching kindergarteners how to open a banana.” Marpell says she didn’t think about posting before doing so, but now realizes her first step should have been to talk to the school and find out exactly what happened. The lunch monitor, a friend of Marpell's, saw the post and was able to explain what actually had happened. “The friend explained and apologized, but it was awkward for a while,” she says — though they remain friends now.

Like most parents, Marpell reacted emotionally when she heard her kid had been hurt. And, like most modern parents, she turned to the internet with her frustrations. In a 2020 study on parent attitudes by Pew Research, two-thirds of parents think that the increased use of smartphones and technology has made parenting harder than it was 20 years ago — no doubt in part because of the thorny social situations that arise from its use. It’s becoming more common that situations blow up or morph in online spaces, often making things worse. With the ability to connect with nearly any teacher or fellow parent in the virtual world, it’s left the lines blurred for some parents about when they should actually intervene in their kids’ issues — and how.

For Imani Jackson*, a parent in Washington, D.C., issues that began at school spilled over into every aspect of her personal life due to online interactions.

In 2019, students of color in her child’s 5th-grade class were asked to role-play various scenes from history, including slavery and drinking out of a segregated water fountain. While the incident itself received national press, the fallout from parent opinions infiltrated the entire school community. Jackson was horrified as she heard her daughter and friends discuss the incident. “One of her friends was made to be a slave,” she said. Another girl was cast as a slave owner and had to participate through tears.

While the school apologized and altered its instructional strategy, parental opinions about the incident raged online. In an unofficial Facebook group associated with the school as well as the anonymous DC Urban Moms forum, accusations flew, real-life relationships became awkward and Jackson says it became very clear that some white parents were not concerned with equity. “For a neighborhood that likes to think itself very socially and politically progressive, when the rubber hit the road, it was only a problem if it affected ‘me and mine,’" she says.

While leading events at a community organization for kids, Jackson has had to navigate strained conversations with other parents who she knows from their posts view the world very differently than her. She ended one relationship entirely. “There was a mom who I considered a friend, but I distanced myself from her after her comments on social media,” she says. Jackson now has a smaller chat group where she feels comfortable, but after she saw so many parents trash other parents publicly, she’s been more careful about what she shares in public spaces.

Part of the issue, says Emily King, Ph.D., is that society is still learning how to navigate a world with blurred digital boundaries. As a school psychologist who now works in private practice, she sees families trying to figure out how to parent with these blurred lines every day. Sometimes, like in Marpell’s situation, talking to the school first would have provided helpful insight. Other situations don’t need parental mediation at all, but the urge to intervene can be strong given how accessible other parents and teachers now are. “It’s important to practice what we preach and model in-person social interactions for our kids when emotions run high or we don’t know someone well,” says King. Her rule of thumb is this: If you don’t know the parent well enough to have the conversation in person, you probably should not approach them about it online.

“We are the generation of social media users who were never taught how to use it,” King says. She’s never surprised, she says, when parents who remember life without social media now struggle to use it to communicate effectively. Take a step back and look thoughtfully at each situation before deciding how to intervene — if at all.

It benefits kids if they can handle their drama without adult help.

The first thing parents should look at when their child tells them about a conflict is if it needs parental involvement as, says Tasha Brown, Ph.D.. As a child psychologist in New York, she spends her days helping families navigate all sorts of conflict — and also helping them realize when they need to step back and let their kids exercise some autonomy. “When we were growing up and something happened at school —it happened at school,” she says. “It was silent until the next day. But now what happens, is something that occurred at school spills over into the evening.” Parents get unnecessarily drawn into situations that kids might be able to navigate themselves, sometimes even amplifying it. The ensuing drama is what happens when a culture of over-involved parenting meets a world that’s constantly connected through social media, apps, group chats and other points of digital access.

In Milwaukee, Brandi Hampton* dealt with unsolicited social media messages — sometimes daily — from a mom about their daughters, who were in early elementary school at the time. The complaints were minor, says Hampton. “It was usually something petty like her child thought my child made a face at her,” she says. “She always framed it as my kid’s fault and said that I needed to ‘talk to her about it.’”

Yet it was never anything that Hampton felt needed adult intervention, and she says she was glad when the girls drifted apart as friends. To her, these minor friendship squabbles were something the girls should be able to resolve on their own as a part of growing up.

King agrees that letting kids handle minor disputes is a good thing. “I recommend allowing kids to work things out on their own in any setting,” she says, “unless name-calling, teasing, or physical contact occurs at which time an adult is needed to diffuse the situation.”

Laura Bierbower, a licensed school counselor in northwestern Pennsylvania, is a mom as well as an administrator. As with all things, kids learn the most when parents model it for them. “Teaching your child to self-advocate is incredibly important,” she says. “Empowering them to tell a grown-up at school, and following up to ensure it happened, if appropriate, helps them build an important life skill. As a parent, you're not always going to be in a situation where you can fix things for them.” Remember that kids are watching how parents talk about and interact with other parents at the school, too, and model respect whenever possible.

When kids can’t work it out, go to the school before heading online.

While teaching kids to navigate conflict is an absolutely crucial life skill, there are times when parents will need to involve the school. If the conflict is with a friend and you know the parents well, a face-to-face conversation or phone call can often diffuse smaller skirmishes.

When a child is struggling with a teacher, is being bullied, or when an issue seems just too big to let kids navigate alone, it’s best to reach out to the teacher or administrative team during school hours.

Bierbower says there are many instances when it’s better to talk to the school before blasting a teacher online or sliding into another parent’s DMs. “Give schools the benefit of the doubt," she says. "Chances are if they've ‘done nothing’ it's because no one has made them aware.”

Even schools that do a great job staying on top of issues will miss things. Marpell knows now that an adult at the school might have had more insight into what happened with her kid. That would have helped her understand what actually happened.

“When your child is in a school setting, there are other adults present,” Brown says. This provides a broader lens than what a child will relay to their parent, or what another parent posted in a Facebook group. “There are a lot of other factors that may be at play for conflict that occurs at school,” Brown says. “It could be the time of day that the conflict happened. There may be other kids involved. There may be an instruction that the teacher gave. A lot happens at school that parents aren't privy to because they’re not there.”

Some situations just cannot be remedied between kids or with teacher intervention. Sometimes the issues are more complex than a classroom teacher can handle, and at other times the conflict is with the teacher themselves. All schools have a system for handling escalated conflicts, so lean on your school as a resource. For parents who aren’t comfortable talking directly to their child’s teacher, administrators are used to being the intermediary. There are also educational laws that provide guidelines for mediating larger conflicts and accusations that occur at school. Due process proceedings are used to mediate educational disputes, and school counselors are well-trained in peer conflicts and bullying. Blasting a child, parent or school staff online (yes, even if it's “vaguebooking,” where frustrations are vented on social media with some of the specifics left out) doesn’t make logical sense given all of the other avenues that are available.

Each state also has organizations, unaffiliated with local schools, that help families navigate conflict with their home district. The National Parent Teacher Association has resources for mediation and advocacy.

Bierbower encourages parents to just come to them — it is their job. “We have tons of experience helping kids navigate conflict.” She recognizes that this can be hard. “Let's face it, as parents, we are emotionally involved in our children's lives so objectivity is challenging,” she says. “Personally, it's way easier for me to help someone else's kids with various problems than my own child. My school counselor lens is much broader than my parent lens.”

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