Why Onions Make Us Cry, Soil Has an Immune System, & More Food News

How is a protein-deprived body like a house infested with termites? Read on. It's one of this week's top 10 stories on food science and healthy eating.

1) Our bodies require the amino acids in protein to build cell structure and keep us healthy. What happens if you don't get enough protein? The experts weigh in.


An onion doesn't mean to make you cry. It's just defending itself. Read the fascinating sob story about why chopping onions makes us cry. You'll also get tips for "no more tears."


Yes, there have been some improvements in Americans' eating habits, but they're mostly happening at the top of the economic ladder. Overall, the news isn't so great. Scientific American and Reuters Health look into the story -- detailing where we're measuring up, where we're falling behind, and why.


Here's what the science says about Vitamin C, including its effect on colds, cancer, blood pressure, plus insights on why vitamin C supplements aren't recommended.


A new study suggests that eating just a few extra servings of healthy fruits and veggies each day and slightly reducing meat and dairy could significantly lower the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.


Here is a list of the glycemic index and glycemic load of 100 foods. Foods with lower glycemic index or glycemic loads will have less effect on levels of blood sugar and insulin.


In this audio program, Canada's CBC looks at the "complex, and sometimes contradictory, science of nutrition." You'll find lots of extra info here about the impact of fats and sugars on health, including links to related websites and readings.


Winemakers attribute so much to terroir -- now we can add the unique microbial communities living in the soil and on the grapes to the concept of terroir.


And in a related story, plants may get disease protection from microbes in the soil in a way not unlike how our immune system protects us.


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