Why You Should Never Toss Leftover Apple Peels

Photo showing 1 step of someone peeling a red apple
Credit: Photo: Paola + Murray; Food Styling: Jessie YuChen Credit: Photo: Paola + Murray; Food Styling: Jessie YuChen

Going apple picking is filled with so much potential: The possibility of future pies, cakes, and maybe some fritters. But with all that you’ll make and bake, there is most certainly going to be apple scraps. The peel, core, and blemished spots not required for your treats can certainly accumulate. Maybe there is even an apple end that doesn’t quite layer into that perfect apple galette. What is one to do with the leftover apple? Apple stock, of course!

What Is Apple Stock?

Apple stock is as simple as taking all of your apple scraps, taking cues from a savory stock, and boiling it off. You can use scraps from a galette, applesauce, even a savory pork and apple stew. Apple stock contains multitudes not just because it cuts down on food waste, but also because it’s also a delicious base in a drink, as a glaze, and beyond.

Apple stock in quart container.
Credit: Ben Weiner Credit: Ben Weiner

How to Make Apple Stock

My method for apple stock is quite straightforward. Simmer the apple peels with water until it reduces down by half. The next day, feed the mixture more apple peels and water and repeat, until you ultimately end up with a super-flavorful stock.

Steps for Making Apple Stock

Combine the peel from 2 pounds of apples with 2 quarts of water. Bring to a boil and simmer it until it reduces down to a quart. The next day, add the scraps from 2 more pounds of apples and add 1 pint water. Reduce again until it’s slightly less than a quart. Repeat the process on the third day. The color of the stock will begin to have a deeper hue. By this fourth time it will reduce down to one pint of apple stock.

How to Use Apple Stock

Homemade apple stock can be added to cocktails, such as sangria or a spritz. It can also be cooked down to a glaze for chicken or roasted vegetables, or used in place of apple cider in cider doughnuts.