Why You Should NEVER Skip These Doctors Appointments

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From Women's Health

A full 35 percent of people don’t get a yearly checkup-not good! But we get it. You’re busy. These simple tests can help ID issues worthy of a second opinion from your doctor.

SCAN YOUR SKIN ➔ At least once a month, scan your body in front of a mirror. Look for the ABCDE’s of melanoma-asymmetry, border, color, diameter, evolving-and any new or changing lesions (that bump that’s not going away).

Don’t forget your calves; they’re the most common place for melanoma in women, says WH advisor Mona Gohara, MD, an associate professor of dermatology at Yale Medical School.

FEEL IT OUT ➔ Get to know your girls. Many lumps that end up being malignant are found by women themselves, says WH advisor Kate White, MD, MPH, an associate professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Boston University School of Medicine. One red flag worth calling your gyno about? A growth that’s on only one side. (Normal lumps typically have a “sister” bump on the other side.)

TALK TO YOURSELF ➔ A daily mental health check-in can identify early symptoms of anxiety and depression, says Sari Chait, PhD, a clinical psychologist in Massachusetts. Assess your anxiety, stress, and fatigue levels. Rate each from 0 (lounging on a beach) to 10 (a panic attack) to get to know your baseline. If your number creeps up and the feelings linger more than two weeks, call your doc.

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Photo credit: Getty Images

SWAB AND SEND Can’t make it to the gyno? At-home tests for STIs, HPV, or a UTI are convenient: Mail in your sample and get results and even a script. Check in with your doc if the antibiotics don’t wipe out the infection, or if you have a negative result but symptoms persist.

This is part of our National Women's Health Week plan to step up your health. Get more healthy inspo:

This article originally appeared in the May 2019 issue of Women's Health. For more intel on how to lead a happier, healthier life, pick up an issue on newsstands now.

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