Why You’re on the Naughty List This Year Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Zodiac Sign Naughty List

Uh oh, what's this? A guilty conscience? Maybe you didn't get your specially postmarked letter from the North Pole, but Santa said all the zodiac signs are on Santa's 'nice list' this Christmas for being so sugar-plum-sweet! So, unless you did something bad, there should be no reason you're here reading this article, wondering what's waiting for you underneath your tree. While we can't say which presents are packed in the sleigh for you, we can look at the stars and see why you might've ended up on the 'naughty list' this year. Just don't tell Santa or the elves we warned you–because we still want gifts this year!

Aries: Ghosting the Group Chat Plans

Aries are bold and action-oriented. You throw yourself into new interests or hobbies headfirst and without hesitation. People love your passion for life, but they hate that bad habit you have of ghosting the group chat when better plans come along. Maybe you thought nobody noticed, but your opinion holds a lot of weight with your friends! And Santa thinks it's kind of uncool to leave your pals hanging without an explanation.

Taurus: Borrowing and Not Returning Items

You love nice things, Taurus, so much so that you don't have any problem keeping things that people loan to you if you really like them. Like that sweater your friend let you borrow or that DVD collection of Twilight from your college roommate. Everyone does it–you just do it a little more than others (and keep things longer than you should). So, maybe Santa's thinking that you don't need any new gifts until you return the items you're hanging onto.

RELATED: The Best Holiday Cocktail To Sip This Season Based on Your Zodiac Sign.

Gemini: Social Media Stalking Your Ex

Everybody loves you, Gemini. You're fun, outgoing, extroverted, charming, and delightful to be around. So, why do you insist on spending all your time and energy on social media stalking that one ex? It's not just ex-lovers you like to keep tabs on; it's former friends, old bosses, and rivals from your past, too. You might think you're sneaky enough to get away with it, but Santa Claus is always watching, and he wishes you'd stop living in the past!

Cancer: Crying To Get Out of Trouble

Cancers get cast as the overly emotional crybaby of the zodiac. And while you certainly resent the stereotype, you're not above using it to your advantage. You might have others fooled when you bat your eyelashes and shed a few tears to gain sympathy, but Santa knows you're fibbing! Next time, just come clean and apologize, and you might end up with the gifts you asked for instead of coal in your stocking on Christmas morning!

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Leo: Always Running Late for Things

You're a mover and a shaker who likes to keep busy. Leo. If you've got free time in your schedule–you'll find a way to fill it with fun activities. But it can also mean overbooking yourself and running late to almost much everything you get invited to. While it's not the worst habit to have, Santa does feel like it's pretty rude. After all, he can make it to every house on Earth in one night. What's your excuse for being late to brunch (again)?

Virgo: Recommending Books You Haven't Read

Virgos love being helpful to other people; it's what makes you such a good friend and partner to others. You love having the answer for everything–because you hate admitting you don't know something! That's probably why you have a bad habit of recommending books and movies you heard were good but haven't gotten around to yet. Santa knows this is a low-stakes little white lie–but it's still naughty behavior nonetheless!

RELATED: The Holiday Pie You Should Bake Based on Your Zodiac Sign.

Libra: Overspending and Stress-Shopping

Money isn't the only thing on your mind, Libra, but it is the source of a lot of your stress. When the harmony of life gets thrown off balance, your first instinct is to indulge in a little retail therapy to cope. It's not a sin to like nice things or buy yourself little gifts–but Santa's curious to know if you're being just as charitable with others as you are yourself. Maybe this year, you could donate items you no longer need rather than stack your wish list.

Scorpio: Eavesdropping on Strangers in Public

As a Scorpio, you love the mystery and magic of the world. But more importantly than anything else, you love secrets. Other people's secrets! Secrets you can only get by eavesdropping on loud strangers in public. You know it's not nice to involve yourself in other people's drama–but sometimes you can't help it. It may seem unfair for Santa, who knows everything about everyone, to judge you for your love of rumors. But you'd be wise to remember snooping is Santa's job; you're just doing it for fun!

RELATED: The Christmas Pop Song You Should Listen to Based on Your Zodiac Sign.

Sagittarius: Taking the Joke Too Far

You love being a practical joker, Sagittarius. It's probably your favorite thing in life, and nobody is safe from your tricks. While most of your pranks go over well with your friends, sometimes they can cross the line beyond what feels entertaining. The problem isn't that you like to play jokes; it's that you don't know how to apologize when you've taken it too far. And that's why Santa's taking your presents to somebody else's house this year!

Capricorn: Playing Mind Games With People

Let's be clear, Capricorn: you're smart enough that you could really ruin lives with the mind games you play. But you're not devilish enough to do something like that (unless the person deserved it). You like to toy with people to remind them who's in control. And while it might feel good to exert your power while you're on top–Saint Nick isn't too keen on people picking on the little guy. Remember, with great power comes great responsibility!

RELATED: The Christmas Cookie You Should Bake Based on Your Zodiac Sign.

Aquarius: Trolling People on the Internet

As an Aquarius, you're always looking to subvert the norms of society. While other people follow the status quo, you like to rebel. Usually, you like to use these skills for good, but sometimes you can't help but have a laugh at others' expense. That's right, your username might be anonymous, but everyone knows only a smart-mouth sign like Aquarius could be a successful internet troll. Santa doesn't need to give you any more gadgets or electronics to tinker with–he wants you to spend 2024 outside in nature (touching grass).

Pisces: Gossiping Behind People's Backs

If Scorpio is the zodiac sign that loves eavesdropping on other people's secrets in public, you're the one who loves airing other people's dirty laundry for everyone to hear! Pisces is known for being a great storyteller, but gossiping about your friends behind their backs isn't a good idea. And while it might feel harmless at the moment, you never know who's listening in on what you say. Speaking of finding things out, Santa sees you when you're talking trash, which means you'll end up on the naughty list if you're not careful!

UP NEXT: The Cozy Holiday Movie You Should Watch Based on Your Zodiac Sign.