Why Mt. Hood, Oregon Is The Center Of The Summer Skiing Universe

Mammoth Mountain, California, might be sucking up all the limelight with its headline-grabbingly long season this summer, but Mt. Hood, Oregon, remains the center of the summer skiing universe.

Why? I think this new video, filmed by the Line Travelling Circus at Mt. Hood's Timberline Lodge Ski Area during a previous summer, sums it up best.

Mt. Hood is a mythical place. So too, is the Travelling Circus, an episodic web series founded years ago by Line team members Andy Parry and Will Wesson.

The Travelling Circus has existed for about as long as I've known what freeskiing is, an impressive accolade when you consider that I've spent most of my 25 years on Earth obsessing over tricks, pros, and anything snow-related.

Mt. Hood is one of these obsessions. I was privileged enough to first spend a week there during the summer as a camper at Windells (thanks, mom and dad) and later drove down to car camp with friends throughout high school.

Mt. Hood is best summed up in the sorts of days it provides: you start off waking in the forest, gather your ski gear and shred for a couple of glorious hours under the sun, stop by Trillium Lake on the way back to camp, and finish the festivities off with a campfire session.

It's antithetical to the usual skiing experience, which entails cold feet, long lift lines, and even longer drives home in the dark, somehow making time spent on the slopes feel like a laid-back day at the beach.

That's all to say, whether it's Mt. Hood or Mammoth Mountain, if you get the chance to do some summer skiing this June, July, or August, don't pass it up. You won't be disappointed.

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