Why It May Be Worth Getting Impossible Burgers At Costco Instead Of Beef

Packages of Impossible Beef
Packages of Impossible Beef - Bloomberg/Getty Images

Veggie burgers have come a long way since the Gardenburger. Plant-based meat products like Impossible Burger and Beyond Meat have made fairly convincing beef substitutes, giving non-meat eaters an option that isn't a mushroom or bean burger. However, they're sometimes prohibitively pricey, leading some non-meat eaters to seek other options, and meat-eaters looking to cut back on meat consumption to continue eating meat. But when Impossible Burger Patties show up at Costco for roughly the same price per pound as beef, it's a hard deal to pass up.

Plant-based beef alternatives are more expensive than beef because of production costs. Even though the plant-based beef industry uses less grain to create its products than what gets used for livestock feed, the scale is much smaller. This leads to higher costs, which get passed to consumers. The federal government also subsidizes the meat and dairy industries, which keeps prices for a pound of beef lower. Needless to say, it's a rare occurrence when Impossible Burgers are cheaper than beef, so you should probably consider snatching that good deal before it goes away.

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Plant-Based Meat Alternatives Have Hit Stumbling Blocks Recently

Person holding plant based meat package
Person holding plant based meat package - Chay_Tee/Shutterstock

Despite the occasionally cheaper prices, the plant-based meat industry has been facing some problems, stemming from the recent economic inflation and post-pandemic supply chain shortages, leading some to think the plant-based meat trend is on the decline. And with inflation putting a dent in consumers' grocery budgets, decisions are usually made based on what's cheaper, and plant-based meats typically aren't.

When compared to the prices of organic, grass-fed ground beef, Impossible Foods and other meat alternatives are just about on par. However, when it comes to conventional ground beef the price difference stands at about $4, which some consumers can't justify, inflation or not. To overcome the effect of subsidies and gain a foothold in the American meat market, Impossible Foods cut its prices to try to get closer to price parity with beef. According to CNBC, the meat alternative brand dropped prices by 20% in 2020, but still acknowledged it's a niche product and will take time to become cheap enough for regular consumers to buy. And to give you a flashback to high school economics classes, it's all about supply and demand.

While it can be hard to know when Costco will run a sale, keep your eyes open for sale ads and on its website. Shoppers have spotted 2 pounds of Impossible Burger patties on sale for $9.99 in 2022, and 10 4-ounce patties on sale for $9.97 in 2023.

Impossible Burgers Are A Good Option If You're Looking To Cut Back On Your Meat Consumption

Plant based burger
Plant based burger - Yevhenii Kondratiuk/Shutterstock

Plant-based meat alternatives are great if you're looking out for the environment, and in fact it's one of the oft-touted benefits. According to the Good Food Institute, plant-based meat, from growth to processing, is more efficient than eating conventional meat. But, despite all the good plant-based meat does for the environment, some question the health benefits. According to Healthline, they're nutritionally sound alternatives to beef, and are good sources of protein, vitamin B12, and folate. But they are a processed food, there are some potential allergens -- such as soy and wheat -- and the sodium content is higher than ground beef. However, keep in mind that Impossible Beef comes pre-seasoned, so whatever seasoning you add to a beef patty will end up more in line with what Impossible Beef contains. Just mind the salt when cooking your plant-based meat.

If you can afford it and like the taste of plant-based meat alternatives, they're an ideal option for those looking for ways to cut back on meat consumption and have a lesser impact on the environment. Check out your local Costco for deals on Impossible Burgers and snatch them up when they appear.

Read the original article on Daily Meal.