Why You May Want To Avoid Costco's Kirkland Sliced Turkey

Sliced turkey sandwich with tomato and onion
Sliced turkey sandwich with tomato and onion - Brent Hofacker/Shutterstock

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Costco's signature Kirkland brand is known for high-quality, cheap products, especially when it comes to food. However, there are some products you might want to avoid, like the Kirkland sliced turkey, which comes in a pack of three 14-ounce containers. Though these pre-sliced deli meats can seem convenient to have on hand for easy lunches and protein-packed snacks, Reddit users are not too fond of this deli meat item. In fact, some have attested that the meat slices are too thick, have a slimy texture, and have an off-putting taste.

From delectable almond butter to silky extra virgin olive oil, there are plenty of items at Costco that fly off shelves or have cult followings. But every once in a while, the Kirkland brand puts out a food product that just misses the mark. So, if you're looking for a good protein option to stuff your sandwiches with, Kirkland's sliced turkey might not be the best go-to item on your grocery list.

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Why Lunch Meat Can Become Slimy

Deli meat, bread, and cheese
Deli meat, bread, and cheese - Lauripatterson/Getty Images

A wet texture in food often indicates that something has gone off. While sliminess can certainly suggest that the deli meat has gone bad and should be thrown away, this wetness can also be due to other variables. Additives that are injected into processed meats to make them juicier or more flavorful can sometimes seep out of the meat, causing a film to form. If the meat has been properly sealed and stored, and the best-by date hasn't passed, then try a sniff test to double-check if anything has started to go sour.

The truth is, many pre-packaged deli meats can become slimy -- Kirkland brand isn't the only variety that suffers from this. If you want the best, freshest meat possible for your sandwiches with no off tastes or textures, then your best bet is the deli aisle at your local supermarket. Choose a meat with no additives to avoid that wet texture, and keep in mind that some deli meats will stay fresh and last longer than others.

Other Kirkland Products To Steer Clear Of

Line of prepackaged Kirkland foods
Line of prepackaged Kirkland foods - The Image Party/Shutterstock

While Kirkland pre-sliced turkey may be safe to eat, some shoppers may still dislike the feel of this prepackaged offering and want to avoid putting it in their carts. Other Costco fans have weighed in on additional Kirkland food items that they've regretted purchasing, one of which is the brand's Greek yogurt offering. Between a strange texture and an odd smell, several users suggest sticking with well-known brands such as Fage instead.

Another item that shoppers tend to avoid is the prepackaged Caesar salad. Redditors claim that the salad has declined in quality over the years, and what was once a tasty and generous serving of salad now has become skimpy on both ingredients and taste. For the price, which can reach upwards of $12, it's just not worth it. As always, your own experiences may vary, but keep these suggestions in mind next time you shop at your local Costco.

Read the original article on Daily Meal.