Why You May Find Incredible Deals on Produce at Costco This Week

We're talking pounds of produce for $1.

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I'm no stranger when it comes to the Costco Reddit forum r/Costco, and you shouldn't be one either. The platform is an incredible resource for everything from finding out the best new products and mind-blowing deals to tracking down suppliers for the store's Kirkland brand products. But today, on my usual scroll through the forum posts, I came across one that immediately caught my attention:

The post featured a photo of a produce display advertising a 10-pound bag of organic potatoes for just one dollar. According to Reddit user @subu_ceg, the potatoes were just one of several bulk produce items being sold for $1, $2, and $3. Why? What's the catch? Well, the answer makes total sense, and I'd bet you'll want to head to your local Costco after you learn it.

Why Is Produce So Cheap at Costco This Week?

There's a simple reason behind the unprecedented deals: Thanksgiving. As the top commenter on the Reddit thread smartly pointed out, "Someone over-ordered for Thanksgiving and is just pushing it out before it rots."

That's right; the holiday is likely the cause behind the fire sale. Many stores, including Costco, loaded up on all of the Thanksgiving staples in anticipation of lots—and I mean lots—of grocery shopping. Buyers for those stores order based on data, like previous year's sales. It's possible that inflation and generally high costs made some shoppers decide to cut back this year, or shop sales when they saw them. Either way, stores like Costco are almost always inevitably left with overstock of some products.

It's not uncommon to see super seasonal products go on sale in the days after holidays (looking at everyone shopping the discounted Halloween candy). But produce is likely to be discounted even further in an effort to make some profit before it goes bad. As another commenter pointed out, "It’s salvage. Rather get $1 [or] even $0.25 than nothing, even if it cost $5 to make/transport/everything because it’s already there."

Just because it's salvage for the stores, doesn't mean these deals aren't worth taking advantage of while they last. As one commenter put it, these are "GTFO prices," and you're likely to find similar sales at other grocery outlets, whether they be big box stores or local chains.

Of course, since it was bought with the intention of selling a week ago, stick to longer-lasting produce like root vegetables or heartier plants like Brussels sprouts and apples. Additionally, always double-check the produce before you buy it—even one rotten piece in a large bag can cause the others to spoil faster. Avoid anything slimy, mushy, or sprouted.

Once you've stocked up, your best bet is to cook the produce ASAP. From there, you can, of course, freeze any extra. Then, a few weeks or months down the line, you'll pull a bag of frozen squash out and thank yourself for being such a savvy shopper.

Read the original article on All Recipes.