Why This Mattress Is Perfect For Couples

Photo credit: Leesa
Photo credit: Leesa

From Men's Health

Photo credit: Men's Health
Photo credit: Men's Health

Boxed mattresses seem to be all the rage lately, with no dearth of options available. For the Men's Health Sleep Awards, we set out to test a slew to see which gives you the most blissful slumber.

The Sapira is one of two Leesa mattresses that come packed in a home-delivered box and ready to use. It's the more advanced, pricier option of the two-the other being its standard Leesa mattress-that touts itself as a luxury hybrid model with both memory foam and spring support. In the queen size that I tested, the Sapira retails for $1,595; not cheap, but also not supremely expensive (though compared to other boxed mattresses, it's definitely on the higher side).

But you get a fair amount for your money. The Sapira is a hybrid mattress that combines both memory foam and spring support. The top layer is comprised of a two-inch cooling and foam material and two-inch contouring memory foam later that gives the mattress a slightly bouncy feel at first touch. The base layer however is comprised of a pocket spring base that's supposed to adapt top your pressure points while you sleep. You can feel the spring coils from the sides of the mattress too.

Photo credit: Leesa
Photo credit: Leesa

The edge firmness and support is excellent and didn't feel compressed, even straight out of the box. I sleep alone, but when I had my parents visit for a few days and let them sleep on the bed, both of them mentioned how they never felt any motion transfer from one another.

On the plus side, there was no tossing and turning! I stay pretty much in the same position all night and almost never wake up in the middle of the night or become restless.

This mattress is suited for all sleeping-types. I generally go back-and-forth between sleeping on my side and my back and I have no problems with either position. And it doesn't keep the heat locked in, making you too warm. I felt perfectly cool and comfortable. And there's also zero plastic smell, which can be present in some of these boxed offerings

On the minus side, it's a bit too firm for my personal liking, and I felt like you don't really get the "cloud" feel other mattresses offer. It was also heavy to move during setup because of the springs.

Overall, this bed provides minimal motion transfer. It seems well-suited to someone who perhaps experiences back pain and needs a bed that relieves pressure points, which it does well. If you're looking for a soft-ish bed on the firmer side, the Sapria is for you.

Best for: Couples who don't want to feel their partner move around; People who like a firmer mattress; Suited for all sleeping-types

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