Why Kids Get Bored at School—and How to Help

Why is school so boring for some kids? Boredom at school can affect learning and lead to school avoidance. Knowing why can help you find solutions.



Some kids love school. Others may ask, "Why is school so boring?"

Many children struggle with being bored at school. The reasons for this vary: they are not being sufficiently challenged, they may have a mental health condition or a learning difference and the teaching methods don't match their learning style, or they are simply disconnected from the subject matter and unmotivated by their learning environment. Alternatively, it could just be that it's hard for them to sit through so much desk time.

For some children, being bored at school is an occasional occurrence, but for others, it's an ongoing experience. Constant boredom can cause real distress, apathy, or frustration. It can even lead to school avoidance or school refusal behaviors.

"This is a very common problem," says Natalie Gwyn, PhD, LCMHC, NCC, MEd, a school counselor, professor of school counseling at Walden University, and therapist in Greensboro, North Carolina. "I encourage parents and teachers to think about what can be done to help foster their engagement and learning."

Dr. Gwyn says it's key to uncover why a student is disinterested in order to find effective solutions. Many parents wonder whether their child is gifted and if the work is too easy for them, or the reverse—the material is too challenging.

Other parents may question whether the teacher is doing enough to present the material in a way that engages the students. While these are possible explanations, they are not the only ones.

Learn more about why kids get bored at school and how to help.

They're Not Sufficiently Challenged

Sometimes, gifted students find school boring when the material can't keep up with their interests and abilities, explains Dr. Gwyn. Students who don’t need a lot of instruction to master a skill or who start out ahead of the class often complain of being bored.

Under-challenged students aren’t always gifted (there are specific qualifications for giftedness), but they are typically very capable and smart.

When the material is too easy for them, they may end up bored in class and seem unmotivated, says Tameko Hairston-Piggee, LCSWA, MSW, MA, a licensed clinical social worker practicing in North Carolina and the Durham Public Schools Social Worker of the Year 2021-2022.

Although under-challenged students still tend to get good grades, its common for them to zoom through assignment with little attention to neatness, to spend less time studying, and to complete their work without editing or rechecking so that they can complete assignments as soon as possible. In order to thrive, they need help getting motivated and interested in the work, says Hairston-Piggee.

Related: 35 Positive Affirmations to Empower Your Child

They Don't See Many Incentives

Under-motivated students also complain of boredom in class because they feel they already know what’s being taught or that it's not important; as a result, they often don't feel an incentive to do the work to learn something new.

Often, “school is boring” is paired with “that’s why I don’t do the work” or “that’s why I don’t pay attention.” What this type of student might actually mean is that the work doesn’t engage them or they don't see a connection between what they are learning and their life. They may not feel a positive connection to their school, their teacher, their peers, or the subjects they are learning about.

Something that's important to keep in mind is that being under-motivated doesn't mean that a child is lazy. In some cases, the lack of motivation is tied to a feeling that what they're learning isn’t personally important—that the learning process has no meaning or relevance for them and their life.

They may not understand why they need to learn this information—and the material isn't being presented in a way that resonates with them.

"The good news is that school boredom is something that can be resolved. There is not one approach to resolving the issue, but it takes creativity, patience, empathy, and flexibility," says Hairston-Piggee.

Related: How to Help Your Child With School Anxiety at Every Age

They Have Mental Health Concerns

When kids find school boring, sometimes it's a sign that they are experiencing difficulties at home, including:

  • Divorce

  • Moving

  • Financial strain

  • Death in the family

Additionally, they may have mental health concerns, says Dr. Gywn, such as childhood depression, anxiety, insomnia, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which are contributing to a lack of interest in school.

"My first step was to rule out if the student had any medical concerns that were causing them to fall asleep in the classroom and to assess any changes in the home environment," says Hairston-Piggee.

"Also, students could have unmet social-emotional needs such as trauma, self-esteem/confidence issues, or attention/focusing problems which could be perceived as not paying attention."

In some situations, a lack of motivation can be a sign of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Typically ADHD, which can present in a variety of ways, is diagnosed early on in elementary school, but sometimes it isn't diagnosed until later.

The disorder is characterized by difficulty focusing, staying on task, and keeping organized, as well as impulsivity and needing a lot of physical movement,

They Haven't Connected With Peers or Their Teacher

Children who have trouble forging a connection with their peers, teachers, or larger school community may be bored in school because they feel isolated or that they don't belong or aren't accepted.

If a positive, trusting, and respectful relationship hasn't been created between your child and their teacher(s), it can be difficult for them to know what to do and who to turn to when they need help with their work.

"With all students, the goal is to build positive relationships in and out of the classroom, create a supportive environment, and to operate from a strength-based perspective," says Hairston-Piggee. When that doesn't happen, kids can sink into feeling apathetic about school.

"A student may think a teacher doesn’t like them and have decided not to try," says Dr. Gwyn. "When that happens, we want to encourage the student and figure out how can we bring this child back into the fold, even if it's initially just getting them through the day."

That, in turn, can cause them to tune out or act out, making them feel as though they are “bored.” What they're really experiencing is the need for some encouragement to become a part of the classroom community.

If they have limited social skills, a child may have trouble making friends, which can make them less inclined to join in when all the other kids are doing their schoolwork.

Related: Is Your Child Really Sick? 6 Signs Your Kid Could Be Faking It (and How to Tell)

Their Skills Need Bolstering

Not all students are at grade level or have the skills (academic, socio-emotional, physical, or practical) they need to be successful in the classroom. Some have not yet developed the skills they need to study effectively for a test, while others may be neurodivergent, have learning challenges, or other cognitive differences; these kids may need more guidance or accommodations to meet classroom expectations and thrive academically.

They struggle with executive function skills

Executive functioning is an important skill set that allows people to perform tasks and manage distractions, it includes the ability to plan ahead, multi-task, and display self-control. If a child is struggling with executive function skills, for example, they could benefit from learning how to manage their time or create a plan for a long-term project. So they might say, "Why is school so boring," when they really mean is, “I don’t know how to do this, so I don’t even want to try.”

Alternatively, a child who struggles with organization, following directions, or self-advocacy may also feel lost in class. Kids with vision, hearing, mobility, or memory issues may also end up feeling bored if their needs aren't adequately met in the classroom.

"Sometimes, the coursework is just really challenging and they are giving up. If that's the case, I encourage tutoring, extra support, or changing up their course schedule," recommends Dr. Gywn.

They need accommodations

If your child has certain physical, mental health, socio-emotional, or learning differences, they may qualify for various programs and interventions that can help. This might mean going to the learning center, being a part of various pull-out groups, or qualifying for a 504 plan or Individualized Education Plan (IEP).

Students with 504s and IEPs are entitled to certain accommodations, support, or adaptations to programming that can help make learning more accessible and equitable.

If your child has a condition that qualifies them for either plan, talk to their teacher, school staff, or the special education department about adding services and goals that are intended to support their educational progress and address any academic challenges that are impacting their functioning in school.

Related: Tips for Parents Heading into Their Child's IEP Meeting

How Parents Can Help Kids Who Feel Bored at School

There are many ways that parents and teachers can help kids who think school is so boring. First and foremost, it's important to unearth the underlying causes of your child's apathy.

That way, you can come up with solutions that truly address the problem. You'll be better able to talk to your students and empathize with their situation if you really understand—and take seriously—what's going on and how they feel about school.

Additionally, note that the reasons children get bored at school aren’t mutually exclusive. You can have an under-challenged, unconnected child with poor test-taking skills just as easily as a child who is simply unmotivated.

The trick is to discover what your child is really telling you when they say, “I’m bored at school,” before jumping to conclusions. Also, resist discounting their concerns or telling them to just stop being bored.

Whatever the underlying causes, students need help to become interested in their schoolwork, not judgment for not finding it interesting.

Questions to ask

Encourage your child to break down what they learned in class. A good time to have this conversation would be during a calm moment, removed from school (not right when they get home or as they are complaining about school). Let them know how they feel matters and you're trying to check in about what school is like for them. Ask for the particulars of what they did for the lesson, and what exactly they found boring, interesting, challenging, and so on. Try to get them to answer questions, such as:

  • Do you enjoy the topic in general?

  • What part felt tricky?

  • Who can you ask for help?

  • Did you follow the instructions?

  • What did you find confusing?

  • Was there anything you liked about the task?

  • Did you ask the teacher for any guidance?

  • Did you want to ask for help but didn't because you were anxious or didn't know how?

  • What did you like or not like about the way the information was presented?

  • What would you do differently if you were to teach that lesson or present that topic?

  • Then, ask follow-up questions about anything else that pertains to their specific situation.

Also, investigate whether they were done before the other kids, around the same time, or if they didn't finish. Find out how much (if any) extra help they got.

Having these conversations can help you start to zero in on what about the class may be contributing to these feelings of apathy. You'll be able to see if any patterns emerge—and discover what kinds of lagging skills, emotional concerns, or other issues may be at the heart of their boredom.

"Students like to be heard and seen, and often when you have students with needs that are unmet, the result will be disengaged students," says Hairston-Piggee. Once you tease out what the unmet needs are—and begin addressing them—the student will often begin to feel more engaged and less bored at school.

Involve both the teacher and child

Speak to your child's teachers and let them know what seems to engage your child and what doesn't. Talk to them about what your child is conveying to you without blaming the teacher. Try to curb any negativity and offer constructive feedback about what your child needs.

Consider involving your child in the process. "It's vital to not dismiss the child's concerns. Believe them when they say they're bored and work together to solve the problem," says Dr. Gywn.

Sit down together with the teacher to brainstorm and come up with solutions to keep your child engaged and excited about their daily school life. "The student is your best source to make a good assessment of the reason for disengagement," says Hairston-Piggee.

Sometimes, when the child is included in finding solutions, they become more engaged just because they are given more agency and have had their concerns respected and considered, says Dr. Gywn.

"It’s really about being creative, giving them a fresh start, and identifying those school adults who can be encouraging and make that connection with that student to build engagement," says Dr. Gywn.

Think creatively to address child boredom at school

When you brainstorm solutions, don't be afraid to think outside the box, says Hairston-Piggee. Maybe they need one of the following:

  • Exercise breaks to run off some steam

  • Math at a different grade level if they are gifted in math

  • A fidget

  • Access to a learning center, where they can do their work in a quiet space

  • The ability to watch movies about a subject rather than read the material

  • Act as a mentor to younger students

  • Online school

  • More frequent breaks to calm their mind

  • Less homework (or more)

Related: How to Help Your Kid Like School More

There are many different learning styles. Maybe your child struggles with boredom in school because the material is presented in a way that doesn't mesh well with how they learn best.

Discuss this possibility with your child's teacher or school administration to find possible solutions to address why your kid is bored at school. For instance, they may need visual aids, tactile stimulation, or hands-on experience to feel engaged rather than just hearing the information via a lecture.

The point is that each child may benefit from different interventions, so think creatively and with curiosity about what might help your child become more engaged. Then, advocate for those solutions to be put in place.

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