Why The Foster Sisters Made This Their New Year's Resolution

When your father is Grammy Award-winning music producer David Foster and you've been stepsisters to Gigi and Bella Hadid and to Brandon and Brody Jenner, two things are bound to happen: You're going to be offered a reality show, and you're going to become insta-famous. Rather than submit to preordained stardom, sisters Sara and Erin Foster decided to make fun of it by writing and starring in Barely Famous, a faux docuseries about (what else?) two siblings desperate to be celebrities. After two binge-worthy seasons on VH1, they're now focused on new projects: Erin is a writer on the comedy Daddy Issues, which is currently in development, and both are creative heads at Bumble Bizz and Bumble BFF, branches of the female-led dating app Bumble. Before they get kinda sorta more famous, we talked to the pair about their #goals for the new year.

Angelique Serrano: Congratulations on your upcoming projects. You're wearing many hats.

Sara Foster: When you write on a mood board what your dreams are, like being involved in the tech space or having a network show, they feel intangible. It's crazy to be at a place where this could actually become a reality.

Erin Foster: We feel really lucky. For Bumble we're going to be creating comedic, accessible marketing content. We'll also be hosting panels and dinners and having talks with women about the current issues they're facing. It's about establishing partnerships with female-run companies and fellow career women. When Sara and I were in our 20s, our careers weren't in the place we wanted, so we took them into our own hands...

SF: ...and we wrote a TV show for ourselves.

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EF: We weren't finding roles, so we discovered another path instead of waiting for someone to hire us. That's a big part of our message: taking your life into your own hands.

AS: You mentioned a mood board, which feels like a modern way to make resolutions.

SF: If you build it, it will come. There's something interesting in seeing what the future looks like and making it happen. I don't have a tangible board, but I write in a journal where I'd like my life to be.

EF: You do?

SF: Yeah. I also have these weird oils I got from a psychic. One is for success; the other is for wealth and health. Every day we shot our show [Barely Famous], I'd put these oils on the bottom of my feet and palms. Honestly, my life got better when I started using them.

EF: This is the first I'm hearing about it. Thanks a lot for sharing!

SF: I don't talk about it. I feel like I'm just opening up to InStyle. I haven't done it in a minute.

AS: What are some things you'd like to work on in the new year?

SF: Erin and I just did this eight-hour meditation. I didn't hold on to a lot, but one thing I took away from it was about pausing.

EF: They were talking about reacting to things. If you pause and wait, you'll probably feel different.

SF: I'm a very impulsive person, so this is something I need to work on.

EF: The main thing I'm trying to focus on for self-improvement is to change the way I talk to myself. As women, we say we don't like this or that about ourselves, and it's negative.

AS: Sara, are you equally hard on yourself?

SF: I don't know ... I'm a mom, I have two kids, so I really try to keep it in check. But, yeah, getting older in this town f—king sucks. It's really hard. I say to myself all the time I'm not doing enough, I'm doing too much, I could be this, I could be that. You have to talk yourself off a ledge a couple of times a day.

EF: How I feel about beauty regimens is kind of how I feel about the life stuff we're talking about: I believe a lot of the way we live is very reactive. I don't want to be using products to reverse the bad things I've done to my skin. I want to change the way I eat and live so my skin is healthy from the inside out. Dr. Steven Gundry has this book, The Plant Paradox, and I went on his diet, which is about [reducing] inflammation in your body. Before, I was skinny, but I was unhealthy. I was losing my hair. Then I cut out grain, most dairy, most sugar, and a lot of other things. It fully changed everything, including my skin and my hair. Now I wake up bright and alert.

SF: I'm a little less natural than Erin. I don't diet. I'll forget to eat because I'm running after my kids. I've done Botox. If you tell me a cream will get rid of a wrinkle or lift something, I'll try it. It could come from the sperm of a donkey and I'll rub it anywhere.

RELATED: 4 Things You Need to Know About Barely Famous Stars, Erin and Sara Foster

AS: Got any beauty goals this year?

SF: My goal is to not do any lasers. I have really bad melasma from pregnancy, so I'm always trying to chase [the dark spots]. But I got into a bad situation where I was doing way too many lasers.

AS: Well, it's like the minute you step back out into the sun, the spots come back.

SF: Yeah, it's brutal. And nothing's uglier than melasma on your upper lip that looks like a moustache.

AS: What was the last beauty product you bought?

EF: I just bought a product from Clarins, Double Serum. My other obsession is also from Clarins. I'm really pale, and whenever I did self-tanner I looked orange. Now I just put little drops of their Glow Booster into my moisturizer and body lotion once every three days. It gives you this glow and doesn't make you look streaky. It's literally everything to me.

SF: I was at Bloomingdale's recently and bought La Mer. I haven't used it since I was in high school. I tried the traditional cream, and I was like, "Oh, this is why it's, like, $350." I went through all these channels to see if I could get it for free. I go there, and I'm like, "Can I just get a sample?" Pretty soon they're gonna be like, "Um, you've come here for samples once a week. We know your face. You're not getting any more."

For more stories like this, pick up the January issue of InStyle Magazine, available on newsstands, through Amazon, and for digital download now.

Sara & Erin's Must-Haves

Clarins Radiance-Plus Golden Glow Booster for Face


InStyle January - Sara and Erin Foster

$32 Clarins

La Mer Crème de la Mer


InStyle January - Sara and Erin Foster

$170 La Mer

Clarins Double Serum


InStyle January - Sara and Erin Foster

$122 Clarins