Why My Family Prefers Christmas Breakfast Over Christmas Lunch

When it comes to Christmas breakfast in my family, even the adults get excited to wake up.

Greg DuPree; Food Styling: Chelsea Zimmer; Prop Styling: Kay E. Clarke
Greg DuPree; Food Styling: Chelsea Zimmer; Prop Styling: Kay E. Clarke

Firstly, sausage balls. Need I say more? If you’ve ever had a proper Southern breakfast, it should come as no surprise that it could easily outperform the dishes and casseroles that make up the typical Christmas lunch. We have the pleasure of seeing most of those at Thanksgiving, anyway. A Southern breakfast can be a truly extraordinary thing, and the biggest holiday of the year calls for bringing out the very best in Southern breakfast recipes.

The most important meal of the day is given the largesse it deserves when positioned at the top of Christmas morning. What are your favorites? It's all about celebrating what you may not be able to make all the time, and perhaps embracing certain qualities in presentation that are too good to be true.

Elements Of A Holiday Breakfast

If cheesy grits casserole and gravy-covered biscuits has a special place in your palate, I have your attention. A glazed pecan Bundt that your mother considers a side dish instead of a dessert, as if the buttermilk pancakes couldn’t stand on their own. A mound of bacon bigger than Santa’s bum. These are the reasons why adult Southerners will roll out of bed at seven in the morning on Christmas Day.

No matter how old you get, it’s nice to kickstart the day with such cheer, and my mother’s annual menu is something to get excited about. No matter your preference in food flavors, don't forget to consider the beverage menu as well. Lifting a glass does not have to include alcohol, On the other hand, Christmas cheer has its place.

Iain Bagwell
Iain Bagwell

Establishing A Food Tradition

Over the years, my family slowly became a Christmas breakfast crew, leaving lunch where it belongs: at dinnertime, when we've finally digested all the sausage balls and grits. Lunchtime was when the kids played with their new toys, while the grownups watched with a full belly and a smile. Later, a nap is necessary. A long, leisurely Southern lunch wouldn’t allow for a nap. A big holiday meal requires much preparation, and luckily breakfast casseroles, frittatas, and such are easy to prep ahead and pop in the oven. You might find these recipes making it onto your table outside of the holiday season, they are so convenient and pleasing.

One Meal Fuels The Start To A Long Day

Sometimes, Christmas breakfast spills into lunch territory as more grazers show up for a slice of quiche, again making a whole extra meal afterwards redundant. My family remains at the ready with extra plates and forks well past noon. All this to say, I’m not degrading the existence of a later Christmas dinner, as that gives plenty of time for getting hungry again for those who like to keep the festivities going. Southerners aren’t scared of two feasts in one day. We’re built for it. We’ll even go back for seconds.

Christmas Breakfast Options

There are so many ways to celebrate the holiday season with your family and friends, even if it's a Christmas Day lunch. However, if you've been looking for a way to switch up your usual family Christmas Day celebration, consider this the perfect new tradition. We've even got the Best Holiday Brunch Recipes to get you feeling inspired. As for me, you’ll find me by the pancakes. 

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Read the original article on Southern Living.