Why Fall Is the Best Time to Start a New Routine

the central park reservoir surrounded by trees with blazing fall foliage, with buildings peeking through in the background
Why Fall Is the Best Time to Start a New RoutineGetty Images

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I can’t believe I just did that.

How many times have you said that to yourself after binging on Netflix or a bag of chips, or after losing yourself to social media or online shopping for more hours than you’d like to admit? For me, it’s a mantra of regret that typically comes as I spoon the last bite of ice cream into my mouth.

That is, until recently when the same phrase escaped my lips as I made my way to the top of an indoor rock-climbing wall, something I never imagined myself doing. To be honest, I think what I actually said was, Holy sh*t, I can’t believe I just did that!

A similar sentiment of surprise was relayed to me by my friend Adrienne Smith when she described how she felt when her all-female crew broke the world record by rowing 2,4000 nautical miles from San Francisco to Hawaii in 34 days. Adrienne, who was the oldest member of her crew (at 42) and had no previous rowing experience, credits the concept of my second book, Find Your Unicorn Space, for giving her inspiration.

As I define it, finding your Unicorn Space is the active pursuit of creative expression in all its various forms: painting, pottery, dance, design, cooking, cartooning, surfing, ax-throwing…you name it. Think of your Unicorn Space as that thing that lights you up, separate and apart from your roles at home or at work. And because it infuses your life with more meaning, joy, and value, you inherently want to share it with others.

Over the past couple of years, I’ve talked to thousands of people who both resonate with and long for their own Unicorn Space but who say things like, Sounds nice, Eve, but really, who has time for it? And, Do I really need creative time for me?

Yes, you do need it, and extra time will not show up on your doorstep in an Amazon box. The research is clear: if we want to avoid burning out, opting out, and compromising ourselves emotionally, physically and with mental health struggles like anxiety, chronic fatigue and depression, we each must prioritize time for ourselves, and this goes beyond basic self-care or a night out with girlfriends. Time and space for creative self-expression is not optional. It’s essential work, now more than ever.

The good news is that right now is the perfect time to commit to creative pursuits because September and October are the months when women, and mothers in particular, are more amenable and available to adopt new habits and routines. The reason: back to school.

For all of us, fall is an annual reminder of the season in our childhood when we would once again buy new notebooks and pencils and get down to business. And for moms in particular, while the summer months can be great fun and an unparalleled opportunity to connect with our families, when our kids are home ‘on break’, it’s not exactly a vacation. It’s not until the littles, from kinder to college, head back into the classroom that mothers can pause, acknowledge all they did to support their children’s burgeoning skills and summer passions, and think about what’s next.

So now that the air has gotten crisp, here’s the challenge: can you reclaim and reserve some time in your fall schedule for you? (Caution: it will be tempting to fill all marginal hours with more list-making and task-mastery.)

Whether it’s returning to a project you love and want to complete (sewing that last square on the quilt), improving on something you already do and want to share with others (signing up for a poetry slam), or developing something entirely new that’s piqued your curiosity (urban farming), as you schedule your days and weeks ahead, give yourself permission to actively and consistently carve out uninterrupted time for you, even if it is only one dedicated hour a week or twenty minutes every day.

Creating consistent habits can lead to big moments, whether that’s rowing across the Pacific Ocean or learning a new chord on your guitar. “I can’t believe I just did that!” moments are relative and varied, but the common denominator is that if they originate from your Unicorn Space, they are no longer regretful; rather, they’re filled with pride. When I finally reached the top of the rock-climbing wall after many clumsy attempts, I looked down at my six-year-old daughter Anna and gave her a thumbs-up, proud to be showing her that the active pursuit of self is always a worthwhile climb.

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