Why Our Editors Are Obsessed with this Southern-Made Granola

Why Our Editors Are Obsessed with this Southern-Made Granola

As you can imagine, our office is deluged daily in envelopes and packing-peanut-stuffed packages. While there are treasures to be found in the material tidal wave, for the most part we end up receiving unproofed black-and-white copies of cookbooks, elaborate PR boxes that 80 percent of the time contain broken jars and overpriced candles that smell like sunblock.

We’re not trying to complain. We understand this is an embarrassment of riches. But, if we have to be honest, most of it ends up on our free table, a misfit island of random items that can be either magical or mediocre depending on the day’s catch.

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Our most received category of mail has to be food products, from a million shakers of BBQ rub to unrelenting tins of subscription-service cookies. Once we even received a box of frozen biscuits wrapped in paper towel shipped in a cardboard box without cooling packs in July. Food items also make up the bulk of free table offerings. So when Assistant Homes Editor Katherine Owen, e-mailed several editors to come over and try the granola she had received in the mail, we knew that this couldn’t be just any ordinary granola.

After a few samplings of the Virginia-made Hudson Henry Granola we all stared at each other in disbelief. “It must be chock-full of sugar,” said one editor. No, only five grams per serving. “It must be like $32 a bag,” said another. No, it’s only $8. “Well, it must be impossible to find,” we agreed. No again. It’s available on Amazon.com.

Today, Style Editor Betsy Cribb looked slightly glumb in the hallway. “I just finished my last bag of the granola,” she said crestfallen.

While we might sound dramatic, trust us, we’re all quite jaded, especially when it comes to granola, one of the more common products shipped to our office. With a perfect balance of subtle maple syrup sweetness and savory sea salt, an unbelievable crispness from olive oil, and a variety of flavors from Cashews and Coconut to Pecans and Chocolate, this is one Amazon Prime Subscribe and Save we’re happy to click.