Why Does My Belly Button Smell?

Medically reviewed by Chris Vincent, MD

If you have recently noticed a smell coming from your belly button, you likely want to treat it as soon as possible. Your belly button is the mark on your body where your umbilical cord was attached before you were born.

Because of its shape and tiny skin folds, belly buttons can collect dirt, sweat, fungi, and bacteria. In fact, a small study of belly buttons in 22 people found 302 different bacteria. This buildup can lead to a smell and even infection. The belly button is also a commonly forgotten body part when it comes to washing.

This article will describe the possible causes of belly button smell and how to treat them.




When your belly button smells, it’s important to treat the cause as soon as possible. The cause may be simple, like a lack of hygiene, or more complicated such as a skin infection.

Related: Why Do I Have Strong Body Odor?


Belly button odor is commonly caused by hygiene issues. When our bodies sweat, the bacteria on our skin breaks down the proteins into acids, which leads to body odor.

When sweat, dirt, and dead skin cells collect in the belly button, they need to be removed with regular washing. It’s recommended that both teens and adults shower daily to remove the buildup of dirt and sweat. 

Related: Why Do I Have an Outie Belly Button?


It is possible to develop a cyst behind your belly button. If this cyst becomes infected, it can lead to pain, discharge, and a foul smell.

A urachal cyst is a small sac of tissue that develops in the structure between the bladder and the belly button. This structure, known as the urachus, connects the bladder to the belly button in a developing fetus. It normally disappears before the baby is born but remains in some people. When an opening remains between the bladder and belly button, this is known as a urachal sinus.

Many of us would never know that we still have a urachus unless it becomes infected. In addition to a smell, common symptoms include:

Because a urachal cyst carries a small risk of cancer, your healthcare provider may recommend surgically removing it once the infection has been treated.


Candida is a type of yeast (or fungus) that can cause a fungal infection known as candidiasis. Candida normally lives on the skin without an issue. It can also be found inside the body in the mouth, throat, gut, and vagina. When Candida starts to grow at an out-of-control rate, an infection can occur and lead to a smell. Individuals with diabetes have an increased risk of developing candidiasis. 

Learn More: What Are the Symptoms of Candida Infection?


Any time there is a break or tear in your skin, there is a risk of infection. Belly button piercings can become infected with different types of bacteria like Staphylococcus (staph) or Streptococcus.

One study found staph and Corynebacterium were the most common bacteria living in the navel. In addition to a smell, symptoms of an infected belly button piercing include redness, pain, and discharge.

If you are considering a belly button piercing, go to a store or facility where the piercers always wash their hands with a germicidal soap, wear surgical gloves, and use sterilized instruments.

Related: 9 Infections That Cause a Bacterial Skin Rash

Type of Odor

There are different types of body odors that could affect your belly button. If your belly button smells because of a hygiene need, the smell may be similar to the body odor that you would experience after sweating or not showering for a few days.

Different types of yeast and bacteria can cause specific smells on the skin. Bacterial infection smells could be characterized as sulfur-like, sour, or cheesy. If you notice a distinct smell coming from your belly button, do your best to describe it to your healthcare provider. This will help with getting the right diagnosis and treatment.

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When to See a Healthcare Provider

If you have noticed an unusual smell coming from your belly button, start by gently washing it with an antibacterial soap. If your belly button continues to smell after washing, see your healthcare provider. It’s important to first determine the cause of the smell before going ahead with treatment.

This is especially important if you experience other symptoms with the belly button smell, such as signs of infection. These may include:

  • Fever

  • Red and irritated skin

  • Swelling

  • Itching

  • Pus (which may have an odor)

Keep in mind that with a belly button piercing, an allergic reaction also is possible.

Related: Body Piercing Allergic Reactions


Treatment of your belly button will depend on the cause of the smell. A hygiene need can be addressed with regular washing. Other possible treatments include the following:

  • Candida infection: Antifungal cream or powder

  • Bacterial infection: Antibiotic ointment or oral medications

  • Infected cyst: Oral or topical antibiotics and possibly drain the cyst

If your belly button smell is linked to a body piercing, remove the jewelry and wash the area thoroughly until it heals. Promote healing by avoiding tight clothes and moisture.


Of all the body parts that can be pierced, the navel is most likely to become infected because of its shape. Keep in mind that a navel piercing can take up to a year to heal completely.

How to Clean the Belly Button

Clean your belly button each day while in the shower:

  1. Use a wet, soapy washcloth to gently clean your belly button, massaging it to loosen any dirt.

  2. After your shower, dry your belly button so that it does not remain damp.

Avoid putting any lotions or creams into your belly button, as this could create a moist environment that promotes the buildup of bacteria or yeast. To clean a belly button piercing that is still healing, use a gentle soap, followed by a sterile saline solution. 


When your belly button smells, it is usually because of a hygiene need or infection. The belly button contains several tiny skin folds that can trap sweat, dirt, dead skin cells, and bacteria.

Possible infections include candidiasis, bacterial infections, or an infected urachal cyst. A lack of hygiene can be solved by gently washing your belly button every day. An infection should be diagnosed and treated by your healthcare provider. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Can a smelly belly button be serious?

Yes, a belly button that smells could be serious if the smell is caused by an infection. See your healthcare provider if you have noticed a new smell coming from your belly button. 

How long does it take an infected belly button to heal?

The time it takes for a belly button infection to heal depends on the type of infection. Bacterial infections should be treated with antibiotic ointment or oral antibiotics, and fungal infections are treated with antifungal creams or powders.

Read the original article on Verywell Health.