Why This Christian Dior-Approved Pottery Should Be on Your Radar

Photo credit: Elizabeth Pash
Photo credit: Elizabeth Pash

From House Beautiful

Photo credit: Hearst Owned
Photo credit: Hearst Owned

Elizabeth Pash, designer and owner of Elizabeth Pash Antiques & Decoration, shares one item you should be on the lookout for when shopping for antiques. This week, it's a specific type of vintage French pottery. We are aware that many are currently practicing social distancing, but we will continue to publish vintage shopping content (and ideas for online sources) in anticipation of the day we are all able to return to our favorite markets!

I discovered Accolay pottery many years ago on a buying trip to France. I was immediately smitten and have loved it ever since. The shapes, colors, textures, and glazes of these creations make them beautiful accent pieces. In every project, I try to find a place for this unique, wonderful form of art.

This is the first piece I ever bought and I was intrigued by its shape and rustic simplicity:

Photo credit: Elizabeth Pash
Photo credit: Elizabeth Pash

I love displaying multiple pieces together and encourage my clients to start collections, since I always think it's a fun challenge to look for items while traveling. Although these Accolay creations are beautiful and unique individually, I find them even more showstopping as part of a collection.

Photo credit: Elizabeth Pash
Photo credit: Elizabeth Pash

But, before you go hunting, a bit of background on Accolay Pottery: Accolay was founded by four young artists: André Boutaud, Louis Dangon, Slavic Paley and Raude. As the story goes, the friends left Paris in order to escape forced labor under the German Occupation in 1944. They began studying at the professional college in Cluny in the Burgandy region of France, where they became apprentices to the celebrated ceramicist Alexandre Kostanda. The four friends began by creating ceramic buttons for their own use, and eventually they started an experimental pottery studio in an old factory in the little village of Accolay.

Their breakout moment came when a fashion designer by the name of Christian Dior came calling. Mr. Dior ordered 300 of their ceramic buttons for his New Look collection. So began the success of these four friends, and Accolay Pottery. Not only did the artisans produce buttons, but they made jewelry in many different shapes and colors. During the 1950s and 60s, the village of Accolay became a destination for Parisians heading to the Cote d’Azur on holiday.

Photo credit: Eliazabeth Past
Photo credit: Eliazabeth Past

The production of Accolay eventually expanded to include the many different kinds of pieces we see today—decorative dishes, serving bowls, vases and pitchers. The ceramics business thrived until the mid 1970s, but the factory was eventually closed in 1989.

Why do I love the Accolay pottery? The craftsmanship, for one. The pieces are hand-thrown and many feature lovely grooves and other textural details. I'm also enamored of the sculptural qualities of the pieces. They are not only useful vessels, (vases, pitchers, bowls, planters) but they are works of art. Many of the forms are inspired by classic shapes of urns, and others are truly unique. Some are rustic, others are more refined. Some feature wonderful cutouts, adding a bit of whimsy.

Photo credit: Elizabeth Pash
Photo credit: Elizabeth Pash

Another key attribute of Accolay? The colors! There is a rainbow of colors to be found, and many of the vases and bowls were glazed with different colors on the interior and exterior of the vessels, making for a fun surprise. Some of my favorites are the blues. Legend has it that the blue was created to resemble the color of the sea on the Cote d’Azur.

Photo credit: Elizabeth Pash
Photo credit: Elizabeth Pash

Finally, I love the versatility of these vessels. In my opinion, these wonderful pieces can be at home in both traditional and contemporary settings. They are not outrageously expensive, so I encourage all lovers of ceramics to keep your eyes open for these gems. Plus, in this era of startup businesses, we can all be inspired by and salute the entrepreneurial spirit of these four young artists!

Happy Hunting!!

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