Why Do We Celebrate the 4th of July? Read Up Before the Fireworks

Why Do We Celebrate the 4th of July? Read Up Before the Fireworks

Today, the 4th of July is marked by fireworks displays, water-sports, hot dogs, parades, and sporting the American flag on clothing and accessories. The federal holiday celebrates America’s independence from the British Empire and has morphed into a more general display of patriotism and pride in the United States.

For some, the 4th of July may be no more significant than an extra day off work. This year the 4th of July falls on a Monday, and over the three-day weekend Americans will carry on the traditions observed and created over the past 200 years.

What’s So Special About July 4th?

Photo credit: Melodie Yvonne
Photo credit: Melodie Yvonne

July 4th is significant because it is the anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence by the Continental Congress. On this day, delegates from the 13 colonies, known as the Continental Congress, formally agreed to seek independence from British rule.

This agreement came nearly a month after Virginia Delegate Richard Henry Lee proposed the colonies seek independence. The Declaration of Independence we know and love was largely written by Thomas Jefferson. Other members of the Continental Congress suggested edits and approved the famous final copy.

However, contrary to popular belief, July 2, 1776, was the day that the delegates voted in favor of independence, not the fourth. Only two delegates, Charles Thompson and John Hancock, signed the declaration on July 4, 1776. The last delegate signed the Declaration of Independence on August 2nd.

John Adams anticipated the celebration of independence would occur on July 2nd every year. In a letter to his wife, Abigail, Adams theorized the July 2nd celebration would include fireworks, bonfires, parades, and games, many of which are popular 4th of July activities today.

The first 4th of July celebrations consisted of mock funerals for King George III in the summer of 1776. King George III was the King of England when the Declaration of Independence was created. The following year celebrations became more elaborate but not nearly as commonplace as today’s festivities.

With the Revolutionary War still underway, George Washington celebrated the first anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence by providing extra rum to the Revolutionary soldiers.

On July 4, 1777, celebrations also occurred in Boston and Philadelphia. In Philadelphia, the fireworks traditions began as cannons lit up the sky. The cannons fired 13 times to represent the 13 original colonies. That same night the Sons of Liberty put on a firework show in Boston.

Modern Celebrations

Photo credit: LauriPatterson
Photo credit: LauriPatterson

Independence Day celebrations grew in popularity after the War of 1812. Due to the rising popularity of the holiday, it was designated a federal holiday in 1870. Eventually, in 1941, the 4th of July was promoted to a paid federal holiday, which is still true today.

As the holiday became more popular, the celebrations became more elaborate and commonplace and new traditions began to form.

Fireworks eventually replaced the cannons and guns used in early celebrations due to safety concerns. However, today fireworks raise similar safety concerns. In 2019 and estimated 10,000 people landed in the emergency room due to firework related accidents. In spite of this fact, Americans still spend an estimated $1.5 billion on fireworks for 4th of July celebrations every year.

The pyrotechnics industry isn’t the only one benefitting from the festivities. An estimated 150 million hot dogs are consumed every year on Independence Day. 4th of July hot dog eating contests are held all over the country. Watermelon, popsicles and ice cream also bring in the big bucks around the 4th of July.

These new activities may not be traditional but what’s more American than a holiday centered around food, fun, and explosives?

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