Why a catamaran cruise is the best way to see Sri Lanka's remote east coast

A catamaran can take you to difficult to reach destinations - © Alexandre Sattler - www.gaia-images.com
A catamaran can take you to difficult to reach destinations - © Alexandre Sattler - www.gaia-images.com

It was the moment my phone alarm went off during a post-lunch walk along a deserted beach that I realised I had truly embraced life on Sri Lanka’s high seas. I’d set the alarm to wake me from my afternoon nap − a daily indulgence that had become the norm on my sailing trip along the country’s east coast. 

Other “alarms” were less jarring. On board, a tinkling bell prompted us to gather at the catamaran’s dining table for another delicious meal prepared by chef Indunil − one of four Sri Lankan crew. The anchor noisily clattering to the ocean floor gave us the all-clear to leap off the stern and into the sea, and the engine’s roar sent us rushing to the upper deck to nab the perfect reading spot as we set sail once more.

Most visitors to Sri Lanka head south, for coastal towns like Galle, with its luxury hotels and ancient fort. But the east coast is much less developed, thanks in part to the high number of protected areas, including the diving hotspot of Pigeon Island. It’s also much less accessible − or at least it was until July, when G Adventures launched its Sri Lanka East Coast excursion.

Our vessel, a 53ft sailing catamaran, had just four cabins, each sleeping two people − with wet-room-style bathrooms. When possible, we sailed under wind power and occasionally there were opportunities to assist the skipper with navigation.

The bumpy, five-hour drive from Colombo to our cruise departure point − the north-eastern coastal city of Trincomalee − was a great way to get to know fellow passengers (I was the oldest on board at 39, barring a Norwegian lady, who was a few years older).

It was also a reminder of how tricky it would be to explore the area by car. The first two days would be spent travelling along the coast north of Trincomalee, with options to visit Pigeon Island and swim on deserted jungle beaches near Kuchchaveli. “We can sail the RIB right onto the sand,” said our guide, Gauraw, telling us about the fishing villages and beaches. “There’s more wildlife, too.”

His point was proved the next day when we spotted a dolphin pod. Gauraw estimates there are more than 1,000 dolphins, and for an hour they shadowed the catamaran as it cut through the waves.

At Trincomalee’s Fort Fredrick, built by the Portuguese in the 17th century, there are more wild deer than tourists. A steep incline led to the nearby Koneswaram Hindu temple, adorned with colourful reliefs and teetering on a promontory overlooking the ocean. We paused to admire the fishing boats far below, in Dutch Bay. Fishermen go out of their way to sail past this temple, praying for protection from mother nature.

Koneswaram Temple in Trincomalee - Credit: Getty
Koneswaram Temple in Trincomalee Credit: Getty

The stretch of coast between Trincomalee and Kalkudah was just as unspoilt. Each night we would anchor at a different spot, slowly working our way south along the coastline. At lunchtime we would drop anchor and jump in the RIB for a visit to a nearby beach or tiny fishing village. The catamaran was equipped with snorkelling gear, two paddle boards and a kayak, although we seldom skipped the opportunity to head ashore.

My favourite stop-off was the crab-dotted Kalkudah beach, where the only other people were local fishermen, their faces covered with colourful strips of cloth to protect them from the sun as they hauled in their nets.

Not that abandoning ship was easy. The dining area was on the middle level, with plenty of space for sunbathing at the front. This became the most sought-after spot − so much so, that one of my fellow passengers chose to sleep here, despite the grid-like pattern imprinted on her face come morning. There was also an opportunity to bed down on the upper deck, under the clearest, starriest sky I’ve ever seen.

Kulkudah beach in Sri Lanka - Credit: Getty
Kulkudah beach, Tamara's favourite spot on the voyage Credit: Getty

Tasty breakfasts, lunches and dinners made squeezing into swimwear increasingly tricky. At breakfast we feasted on spicy Sri Lankan omelettes and fresh fruit. I developed a weakness for banana jam and the wood apple smoothies whipped up by Indunil. Lunch and dinner were three-course affairs; the most memorable dishes included chicken curries and spring rolls, always served with mountains of rice and salad drizzled with homemade dressing. I craved Indunil’s soft dosas and calorific desserts, convincing myself that four servings of avocado mousse contributed to my five-a-day.

Come nightfall, we played card games or implored Gauraw to teach us basic Sri Lankan phrases.

A G Adventures catamaran on the water
On a G Adventures voyage it's easy to get to know your fellow passengers

There was more wildlife at Pigeon Island National Park, where coral had been cordoned off to allow for regrowth following the tsunami, and snorkellers followed a designated route skirting the protected area. Within seconds I saw bannerfish, angelfish and batfish before spotting a reef shark and a sea turtle, munching away at the sea floor. My favourite sighting was not a single creature, but thousands − a tightly-packed shoal of silver dollar fish suspended, almost motionless, in the water.

I steered clear of the massive Napoleon fish. These creatures, identifiable by their bulging foreheads, use peg-like teeth to crush coral.

On our final day, back at our starting point, we dropped anchor for the final time and headed to Trincomalee’s Maritime And Naval History Museum, a fine example of Dutch colonial architecture, with a generous first-storey verandah. We were disappointed to find it closed.

But not for long. A staff member emerged from the 18th-century building and invited us in, warning that the lights were not working.

Tamara Hinson
Tamara tries her hand at navigation

We navigated the relic-filled halls in semi-darkness, using phones to illuminate displays about flora and fauna. It was eerily quiet, and when we lost our way in the maze of rooms there were no other tourists or staff to guide us out. But then again, I wouldn’t have had it any other way.

A six-night Sailing Sri Lanka − East Coast cruise, departing June 23, 2019, costs from £1,149pp, excluding flights (0344 272 2040; gadventures.co.uk).