Why Are We Allowing Pumpkin Spice Season To Start Earlier Every Year?

overhead of pumpkin spice latte on plaid fall scarf with leaves
Pumpkin Spice Season Is Starting Earlier This YearCavan Images / Dorene Hookey - Getty Images

If you're starting to get the sneaking suspicion that pumpkin spice season is creeping up on us sooner and sooner, you're not alone. Every year, it seems that before we can even put away our Fourth of July decor, we're bombarded with pumpkin spice beers, baked goods, coffees, and other treats. And things are no different this year.

Among the booze brands eager to introduce their fall-inspired offerings well before the start of the season are Samuel Adams and Dogfish Head.

On August 1, Samuel Adams will release October-Fest and Jack-O, a brew that's described as boasting a "pleasant mix of pumpkin, cinnamon and nutmeg." Similarly, Dogfish Head will release its Punkin Ale (complete with new packaging) in August, as well.

Breweries aren't the only ones getting in on pumpkin spice season early. Sweet Loren's, a natural cookie dough brand, is rolling out its limited-edition Pumpkin Spice Cookie Dough on July 26. And if your protein shake could use a pop of pumpkin, Premier Protein is bringing back their Pumpkin Spice High Protein Shake in August.

According to the Instagram account @CandyHunting, the new Pumpkin Spice Dunkin' Cold Brew Concentrate has already been spotted in stores.

Despite pumpkin spice season starting earlier and earlier each year, there doesn't seem to be much protest on social media. In fact, people are pretty excited about the season's arrival.

"Pumpkin spice season has arrived early this year!" one person tweeted.

"Not to sound annoying but I kinda am yearning for pumpkin spice season rn," said another user on Twitter.

How do you feel about it: way too soon or bring on PSL season?

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