Why 3 Zodiac Signs Are The Luckiest In Love On June 30

zodiac signs with luckiest in love on june 30
zodiac signs with luckiest in love on june 30

Three zodiac signs with the luckiest in love on June 30. We've got so much going on 'up there' that if we are amongst the zodiac signs that get away with having a beautiful and loving day, then let's count ourselves as lucky. June 30, presents us with several interesting transits, the most important of which might be Neptune retrograde, which starts its motion today.

While this all-encompassing cosmic event might put us into a deep headspace, we might find that because we are also experiencing the Moon in Sagittarius, the two transit together might actually work for us. So, for the three signs that are most influenced by both Neptune retrograde and the Sagittarius Moon, the affect will feel like 'deep thoughts on love made manifest as reality.' We're not thinking ourselves into a stupor today; we are thinking ourselves into a better future...with the one we love.



Today is all about manifestation and positive intent. The retrograde may have us feeling cautious, but that's a good thing. We've learned the hard way that love has its pitfalls and if we are to continue on with the love we've found, we want to get it right. During the Sagittarius Moon, we definitely get the change to get it right. We are thoughtful and positive, and we are met by receptive partners who honor the idea of acting on positive intention.

There's a lot of Saturn energy involved with today's dealings as well, but once again, we who are most affected by the day's transit, will figure out a way to make all conflicts work in our favor. These three zodiac signs will rise above all negativity today; we are not opposed by obstacles, because our love is greater than anything that seeks to hold it down. We 'win' today.

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Three zodiac signs with the luckiest in love on June 30:

1. Aries

(March 21 - April 19)

The love you feel today goes out to more than just your romantic partner; you are exceptionally friendly and helpful to those in your life whom you cherish, and during the Sagittarius Moon, you feel particularly helpful. In fact, you're in your element at this time because you feel clear headed enough to be the one who helps another person reach their own goals.

You are very loving during the Neptune retrograde, simply because this transit helps you to analyze what is going on around you and how to get through it. You see solutions where only yesterday, the world may have been falling apart around you. Your love life is built on facts and plans, and while you do appreciate spontaneity to a degree, today, June 30, is all about how you and the people you love act on the things you've planned together. You are all about action today, as it should be, Aries.

RELATED: Each Zodiac SIgn's Love Horoscope For June 30, During Mercury Trine Saturn

2. Aquarius

(January 20 - February 18)

You may get off to a slow start today due to the dragging nature of Neptune retrograde, but once you start getting it together, you'll find that this day, June 30, 2023, seems to be one of the better days this week. You feel secure in your love life, and with the Sagittarius Moon at your back, you might even feel a bit playful — which is a change for you as you've been bogged down with 'serious' matters as of late.

What this transit affords you is the idea that you're the one in control of your own fate, and that means that you can relax a little. When you relax, you're more lovable, and when you are lovable, it's seismic, Aquarius. Today lets you unleash that great love that you have inside you, and your romantic partner will be only too happy to receive whatever it is that you have to give.

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3. Pisces

(February 19 - March 20)

On this first day of the Neptune retrograde, you may find that you're a little more 'in your head' than usual; that's OK, because the thoughts you have in mind are good ones, and what makes this day turn out to be such a lucky and loving one for you, Pisces, is that fact that during the Sagittarius Moon, you, in particular, feel very secure in the relationship you're in. This Moon makes you feel happy and special; you have a relationship that is private and unique.

You love doing things with your mate, and you don't necessarily have to share what you do with the world. That's why sets you apart; your love life is nobody's business, and on June 30, you'll want to keep it all to yourself. While the world tweets out their business, you and your loved one keep it private and precious. That's how you like it, and that's what this day brings you. Private, precious moments.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 

This article originally appeared on YourTango