Whitney Way Thore Responds After Trolls Shamed Her for Attempting a Power Snatch

Whitney Way Thore Responds After Trolls Shamed Her for Attempting a Power Snatch The My Big Fat Fabulous Life star has developed a passion for Olympic weightlifting. She's been crushing exercises like 100-pound barbell clean and jerks like they're NBD. This week, she attempted a power snatch. Even though it was unsuccessful, she wasn't fazed or discouraged. But, hundreds of commenters felt that Thore shouldn't be weightlifting at all. Why? Because of her size, and the assumption that she would hurt herself. Instead of responding to each comment, Thore let her progress speak for itself: She shared another video of herself nailing the power snatch. "Plenty of weight lifters are fat," she wrote. Thore added that she's working with Sean Michael Rigsby, "one of the best lifting coaches in the sport," who makes sure she's staying safe. Whitney Way Thore, Instagram