Whistler's Iconic Gondola Suffers Major Ice Damage

It would appear our friends at the Whistler Blackcomb Lift Maintenance Team discovered a frosty surprise on the Whistler side of the Gondola after it closed down for the ski and ride season. It turns out, there was a bit of an ice buildup situation that caused Whistler to shutdown the lift for maintenance.

But hey, no need to worry! The experts who are absolute pros when it comes to the unique engineering of the P2P were quickly notified, and they're ready to lend a helping hand with the repairs. The best part? It's totally fixable! Once all the repairs are complete, we'll be back in action, and the gondola will once again whisk people away on a breathtaking sightseeing adventure.

An update on Whistler's PEAK 2 PEAK Gondola:

While working on the PEAK 2 PEAK Gondola (P2P), our Lift Maintenance Team discovered an issue on the Whistler side of the Gondola related to ice buildup that occurred after closing at the end of ski and ride season. The experts who know the unique engineering of the P2P were immediately notified to provide guidance on repairs. The good news? The issue can be fixed, and the gondola will open for sightseeing as soon as the repairs are completed. We are optimistic it will be ready on Saturday, June 10 for the start of sightseeing as planned, but out of an abundance of caution we cannot guarantee it at this point. While not ideal, delaying the P2P summer opening may be necessary, as safety is, and always will be, our #1 priority. We will let you know as soon as we have an update.

Given the uncertainty around P2P operations, Blackcomb Gondola, located in the Upper Village, will reopen early, on June 10, to service Sightseeing and Glacier Camps on Blackcomb Mountain. This is only possible because of the incredible work of our Lift Maintenance Team to meet all safety requirements ahead of schedule. We still have work to do, which will be deferred to an as-yet-to-be-determined date prior to the start of winter season – we'll share more on that once the schedule is hammered out. From June 10-16, Whistler Village Gondola (WVG) will continue to serve exclusively as the upload point for Whistler Mountain Bike Park up to mid-station. June 10 also marks the opening of Creek and Garbanzo Zones, serviced by Creekside Gondola and Garbanzo Chair respectively, providing additional Bike Park access.

Thank you for your patience and understanding. We look forward to welcoming you to Whistler Blackcomb this summer!

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