Whistler Skier 'Explodes' On Triple Backflip In Front Of Cheering Crowd

Skiers far and wide know what to expect when Whistler Blackcomb opens the iconic 'Peak Chair' the morning after a storm -- a show like no other.

Watch below as self-proclaimed ski bum Gerard Garcia goes for the triple on the infamous 'Waterfall' cliff in view of a cheering crowd:

Video posted to Instagram by The Low Pressure Podcast.

For those out of the know, the viewing party on 'Peak Chair' is almost as good as the skiing itself. Those in queue are treated to a front row seat of skiers racing each other to claim lines such as the iconic 'Air Jordan', or the slightly-lesser-known, but equally iconic 'Waterfall'.

Garcia wasn't quite able to land his ambitious triple backflip attempt, and admitted in the caption of his post that he admittedly "...found his limit...".

Fear not, as Garcia miraculously skied away from this crash unscathed, and teased that he may try this absurd stunt again. Check out Garcia's post below featuring a slightly closer POV than the video before.

Similar to a movie where one hopes the ending will be different on the 50th time they've watched it, (ex. Marley & Me- Why? Why did the dog have to die? I'm still shaken up from that fictional death.), I hope each time that Garcia is able to rotate slightly faster and ride away with his hands punching at the air.

The reaction from the crowd was great, but can you imagine if he would have landed it? The thought sends goosebumps running up and down my spine.

We may have to wait for Garcia to attempt this triple backflip again next season, and that's okay. In the meantime, I'll be plenty entertained with the clips he regularly drops over on his Instagram page: @gerardgarciaski.

Here's to you, Gerard. You'll get 'em next time!

Related: Whistler Skiers Reveal Depth Of Deceiving Tree Wells

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