Where Do Red Moles Come From?

Your skin, hair and eyes reveal a lot about your health, and taking care of all three is important. As the body’s largest organ, your skin needs extra attention, especially if you notice something new or unusual, like a new mole.

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Most everyone has at least a couple. In fact, it’s not uncommon for people to have anywhere from 10 to 40 of the skin growths. Typically brown or black, they come in a variety of sizes and shapes and often show up during childhood or adolescence. Caused by clusters of pigmented cells, moles can develop almost anywhere on your body and change appearance, with some fading away over time.

But what about red moles?

Known as cherry angiomas or Campbell de Morgan spots, red moles are usually found on your face, lips and upper body and can be as small as a pinhead or up to a quarter-inch in size.

Made up of tiny blood vessels, their cause is unknown, but they tend to run in families and have been associated with pregnancy and climate.

While angiomas can form at any time, they often increase in men and women over 40, and according to one study published on the National Institutes of Health, three-quarters of people 75 and older have them.

Fortunately, the bright red moles are harmless and usually don’t require treatment unless they’re bothersome or causing symptoms of anxiety. If they are, they can be removed by burning, freezing or lasering them off.

However, any time you notice a growth that’s new or unusual, it’s important to talk to your doctor. Other symptoms to look for are sores that don’t heal, changes in shape or size of an existing mole, lumps, scaly or raised patches and other changes. They may be indications that your skin is telling you something about your health.