Where to find the perfect personalised beauty gifts for Christmas

With endless gift sets and supersized jars of cream, sometimes beauty presents can feel a little generic. That’s not to say beauty products don’t make an ideal gift, but adding a personalised touch makes it feel much more thoughtful. Here are the brands to seek out if you want something a little more special this Christmas...  

For the skincare obsessive

Face Gym is renowned for its skin-toning workouts, but the brand has recently launched it’s own oil blending service too, also known as The Make It Bar. At the new counter in Selfridges you can choose from an array of oils, depending on what your skin needs and the kinds of scents you prefer. It’s straightforward, all you need to do is pick the ingredients and the oil is mixed there and then, and you can even personalise the bottle too.

For the fragrance connoisseur

With hundreds of fragrances on the market it can be overwhelming to choose just one for a partner, sibling or friend. Enter Floris London’s Bespoke Service. For £450, you can create a perfume from scratch and have the bottle engraved. You have a one-to-one appointment with an expert in-house perfumer to go through individual notes and blend the perfect scent, which is then beautifully gift wrapped.