What's The Worst Thing A Customer Said To You?

The hardest part about working retail, hospitality, and service is dealing with customers and guests.

I used to drive for Lyft, and one passenger asked about my career aspirations. When I told him I wanted to be a writer, he said, "Your poor father, he'll be supporting you your whole life."


Sexist, and also, FYI random Lyft passenger, my father did not financially support me then and does not now, and within a few months from you telling me that, I became a writer at BuzzFeed. So screw you.

I also used to work for a consignment store, and a customer once decided they wanted store credit instead of cash AFTER receiving the cash. You get entirely different percentages of the profit if you take cash vs. store credit, so I pulled out a calculator and a Post-it Note, and apologized that it would take a moment to figure out. The woman condescendingly said, "That's OK, honey — math is hard," and laughed.


Also, screw you, miss. I took — and aced — AP Calculus.

I ALSO used to work at a restaurant, and I dealt with angry complaints from customers about the food and wait times for food all the time. I was a hostess.

The WB

So, I had absolutely zero control over the food or wait times.

And that's not even to mention the multiple comments about my appearance. If I had a dollar for every man who made a creepy comment to me, I would've had enough money to stop working a minimum wage job, I can tell you that.


I still shudder when I think about this one man who wouldn't leave me alone, despite the fact that I had other customers, and made me tie his shoes for him and adjust his pants. This was all in front of my manager, who said nothing, and I didn't feel I could refuse.

I don't need to continue. If you've worked with customers, you know. So now we want to hear from you — what's the rudest thing a customer has said to you? Let us know in the comments below, and you could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post.