What's The Wildest Or Worst Thing A Maid Of Honor Or Best Man Did At A Wedding?

It's not only an honor to be selected as the maid of honor or best man at a wedding, but it's also a huge responsibility. You're there to make sure the bride or groom has a good time and that everything goes smoothly — unfortunately, not everyone takes their role super seriously.

Universal Pictures

Some maids of honor and best men have been known to get a little...messy at weddings. Maybe they had a bit too much to drink and ended up vomiting in the middle of their speech.

New Line Cinema

Maybe their intentions were actually nefarious, and they tried to "steal" either the bride or the groom.


Maybe they were caught having sex in the bridegroom's suite, or they stole the "just married" car and went for a joy ride.


Whatever their unhinged behavior was, we want to hear about it! Let us know in the comments below — or via this anonymous form — and you could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!