What Are Some Misconceptions People Have About Living With Your Parents As An Adult?

Adulthood comes with all sorts of expectations, and if you live at home with your parents as an adult, you may have dealt with judgment or misconceptions about what it's actually like.

Red Table Talk / Facebook Watch

So, what's something people don't know about living with your parents as an adult?

A family has dinner together at home
Patrick Chu / Getty Images

Maybe you're one of many people who decided to move back home with family members during the pandemic — and you've felt a lot of pressure to move out ASAP, even while you're still figuring things out.

Someone looks lost in thought while at work
Getty Images

Perhaps you've had to navigate experiences like dating or working remotely while living at home — and you can share how you've been able to establish healthy boundaries with your family when it comes to your personal or professional life.

People chat during a work meeting
Courtneyk / Getty Images

Maybe you've had to deal with very real struggles at home, like having little/no privacy or feeling embarrassed when you mention your living situation.

Someone wakes up in bed under stress
Blackcat / Getty Images

Or perhaps living at home for some time as an adult is simply a norm for you and your fam — as it is in many cultures — and you can share how ordinary, common, and even enjoyable the experience can be.

A parent and adult child laughing on a porch at home
Momo Productions / Getty Images

Whatever it is, we want to hear your experience and your perspective!

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According to you, what are some misconceptions about living at home as an adult? Share what you want people to know about what it's ~really~ like in the comments below for a chance to be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post!