Tell Us The Values Your Parents Instilled In You That You Don't Believe In As An Adult

During your childhood, your parents may have shared life lessons that resonate with you to this day. On the other hand, some things you were taught might not have held up so well as you matured.

Seth Meyers addresses some "nonsense" in "Late Night with Seth Meyers"
Seth Meyers addresses some "nonsense" in "Late Night with Seth Meyers"

Broadway Video / Via

I want to hear about the things your parents tried to instill in you as a kid that you've come to ignore in adulthood.

A woman talks to her young daughter on the porch of their home
Shapecharge / Getty Images

Maybe solving every problem on your own was praised in your household, and over the years, you've realized that there's no shame in going to others for help when you need it.

A man talks with a therapist while she writes down notes
Dean Mitchell / Getty Images

Perhaps your parents always told you to strive for perfection, and instead you’ve found it beneficial to just do your personal best since perfection is impossible to attain.

A woman smiles during a cycling class at the gym
Fatcamera / Getty Images

You could have been raised to think that salary should be a main factor in determining your career path, but you’ve chosen to pursue what you’re passionate about, trusting that the money will come to you in due time.

A flower shop owner checks on the business' inventory
Momo Productions / Getty Images

What's something your parents raised you to believe or value that you disregard as an adult? Let me know in the comments below, or, if you'd rather stay anonymous, you can fill out this Google form here. Your answer may be featured in a future BuzzFeed Community post!