What's Your Most Ridiculous "My Male Coworker Was Paid WAY More Than Me For The Same Work" Story?

In case you didn't know, the gender pay gap is still alive and well.

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What does this mean? It means that despite our best efforts, women are still getting paid less than their male coworkers for the same amount of work. In fact, according to a 2021 report from Pew Research Center, the gender pay gap in the US has remained stable for the past 15 years. In 2020, women on average earned only 84% of what men earned, which means, "it would take an extra 42 days of work for women to earn what men did in 2020."


And because these statistics affect real, working women, we'd like to invite you to share your stories. What's the most egregious/ridiculous/upsetting pay disparity you've experienced at work?


Maybe you were hired at the same time as a male coworker for the exact same position, and later found out they were offered double what you were offered.


Or perhaps you'd spent over a decade working in your field but discovered you were literally making the same amount as a brand new hire with half of your experience.


Or, maybe you were rejected for a 5% raise, but then caught wind that a male coworker had asked for a 15% raise, and was granted it right there on the spot.


We want to hear your stories from your perspective, so share them in the comments! Or, fill out this form if you'd rather remain anonymous. Feel free to share what you do for a living, how much you make (if you feel comfortable), and how much you were being underpaid compared to your coworkers. We may feature your responses in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post.