Tell Us The Most Laughable Thing You've Heard Someone Say About Periods

Periods are the worst. It's a fact. And if you've ever had one, then I don't need to explain to you how truly awful they are!

Illustration of a woman lying on the ground with blood coming out from her period
Crystal Ro / BuzzFeed

And aside from the cramps, stains, and bleeding, one of the most annoying things about periods is coming across someone (usually a man) who says something really foolish and misinformed about them.


Like, maybe you've had an interaction with someone who didn't believe how painful your period really was?

Or, perhaps you've had someone ask a question about tampons or pads that made you think, "Are you okay?!?!"

Heck, maybe you even came across a grossly misinformed individual who REALLY did not understand how periods work?

So tell us, what's the most ludicrous thing you've ever heard someone say about periods? Funny, annoying, or shocking, we want to hear it allllll. Tell us your story in the comments below, or submit anonymously using this form for a chance to be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post!