What Puts the 'Labor' in Labor Day? The September Holiday, Explained

What Puts the 'Labor' in Labor Day? The September Holiday, Explained

Today, Labor Day is marked by a much needed three-day weekend, parties, vacations, barbecues, summer clearance sales, and fireworks and the unofficial end of summer. As you're packing up your white jeans and preparing for the beginning of fall, you may find yourself wondering what Labor Day is all about and why we celebrate it in the first place. We all know that the 4th of July celebrates America's independence and Memorial Day honors those who died in American wars, but many are unaware of the significance of Labor Day. Keep reading to answer all your questions about the origins and evolution of Labor Day.

What Are We Celebrating on Labor Day?

Labor Day is celebrated on the first Monday of September every year. So, Labor Day in 2023 falls on Monday, September 4. Simply put, Labor Day celebrates Americans who labor. It is a day to appreciate the economic and societal impact of hardworking Americans and to reflect on the progress our country has made as a result of the American workforce. Labor Day has been a national holiday since June 28, 1894, but what caused the push for this new holiday?

Why Was Labor Day Created in the First Place?

The decades following the American Civil War were a time of great change in the United States. In the second half of the 19th century, working conditions in railroads, mines, factories, and mills were some of the worst in American history. Poor ventilation, long hours, low pay, dangerous conditions, and child labor were just a few of the concerns of the working class.

A labor movement began as a result of poor working conditions at the time. It was the heyday of the Industrial Revolution, and it was not uncommon for employees to work over 80 hours a week on a regular basis. The 5-day, 40-hour work week that most Americans experience today didn't become commonplace until the 1940s.

Labor unions started to become more popular as American workers demanded better conditions, higher pay, and fewer hours. Strikes and protests such at the 1886 Haymarket Riot in Chicago, which resulted in the death of seven policemen, made it evident that something had to be done.

The Pullman Strike of 1894, so named for the Pullman Palace Car Company, was the first effort to receive the full attention of Congress and the President. The American Railways Union supported the protestors by refusing to transport Pullman railway cars. This had a huge impact on railway traffic, especially in and around Chicago, and caused shipping delays and lost revenue for businesses.

In an attempt to appease labor rights activists, President Grover Cleveland signed a law passed by Congress establishing Labor Day as a national holiday on June 28, 1894. By this time, many states already recognized the holiday. In fact, the first unofficial Labor Day parade took place in New York City on September 5, 1882. On this day an estimated 10,000 New Yorkers did not show up to work and instead marched from New York's City Hall to Union Square in protest of poor working conditions.

Who proposed this new holiday?

Some say that Peter McGuire, cofounder of the American Federation of Labor, came up with the idea for this working man's holiday. Others argue that it was Matthew Maguire, secretary of the Central Labor Union in New York. Yet, no one is 100 percent sure which of these labor leaders actually founded Labor Day.

Canada also observes Labor Day on the first Monday in September, while a similar holiday, International Workers Day, is celebrated in over 90 countries around the world on May 1.

Now, while you're scouting out the best Labor Day clearance sales, soaking up the sun, and eating your heart out, you'll know what all the celebration is about and gain some much needed perspective on how much working conditions have improved over the years.

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