What's the Deal with the New Strain of COVID-19 In the UK?

What's the Deal with the New Strain of COVID-19 In the UK?.UK researchers first discovered a new COVID-19 strain—SARS-CoV-2 VUI 202012/01—in September. .By mid-December, the mutation appeared to be responsible for about two-thirds of all COVID-19 cases in London at that time.The WHO said the new strain has already been found in Denmark, Australia, Italy, and the Netherlands. .Considering how quickly the variant has spread, Dr. Anthony Fauci said it's safe to assume the strain is already in the U.S. .Thankfully right now, you can trust the vaccines to be effective in protecting against COVID-19, regardless of the strain. .We don't know that [the new COVID-19 strain is] more dangerous, and very importantly, we haven't seen a single mutation yet that would make [the virus] evade the vaccine, Brett Giroir, M.D., U.S. Assistant Secretary of Health at the Dept. of Health and Human Services