We've Cracked Panera's Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe

From Delish

Supersized cookies usually turn out one of two ways: You-might-just-break-a-tooth crunchy, or so cakey they're practically scones. Yet every batch of Panera Bread's Chocolate Chippers (their term, not ours) turns out chewy and soft-no matter what. We had to figure out how to recreate that flavor at home.

Using mini semisweet chips was a given, and plenty of them. Part of what makes Panera's chocolate chip cookies so awesome is that every bite is pretty evenly balanced-you get buttery cookie and chocolate, but neither overpowers the other. The mini chips are crucial for achieving that, and you've got to use the whole bag. Go for it. You won't regret it.

Two sticks of butter gives this batter its creamy consistency, and makes the dough pretty much irresistible. Don't stare at it for more than 10 seconds at a time, or you'll be sucked into its alluring vortex and feel forced-forced, I say-to grab a spoonful. And then another. And another. (And as you know, the FDA does not recommend consuming raw eggs like that. You know, salmonella concerns and all.)

The hardest part was figuring out the right amount of flour to add. Too much turns these treats into hearty, biscuit-like cakes. They're perfect for if you need sustenance to get you through a long hike during a hard winter, I suppose, but as for a day-to-day treat? About 3 1/2 cups, as listed in our recipe, is ideal for getting that chewy-bordering-on-gooey, Panera-like texture.

You can use light or dark brown sugar, though we found dark brown sugar gives the dough a more caramelized flavor that's closer to Panera's. If you use the former, the cookies will be just as good-people may just not make the Panera connection right away-which means you can claim them as your own. We're okay with being your dirty little secret.

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