Westworld season 2 launched at SXSW – with a boost from Elon Musk

Jonathan Nolan and Elon Musk at SXSW - REX/Shutterstock
Jonathan Nolan and Elon Musk at SXSW - REX/Shutterstock

Westworld itself could have been designed and created in a lab for SXSW,  so apt is its subject matter for the annual, increasingly tech-focussed festival in Austin, Texas.

Set in a theme park, where humans indulge their darkest desires at the expense of their android hosts, the first season of the sophisticated, often surreal HBO drama quickly earned a fervent fanbase, and spawned frenzied theorising over the many plot twists, as the robots became sentient and finally went rogue.

And in the 14 months since season one’s bloodbath finale, the show’s storylines of abuse, consciousness, and to use the 2018 vernacular, being ‘woke’, have become impossibly prescient in the era of #metoo.

Though Jonathan Nolan, who created Westworld with his wife, Lisa Joy, is notoriously tight-lipped and spoiler-averse, fans at SXSW enjoyed an exclusive trailer (so far unavailable online), suggesting that the second season, which arrives next month, will be no less explosive and twisty than the first. 

The panel session with the cast and creators did nothing to dent the show’s reputation for surprises either. Nolan brought out his close friend, the billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk, to a rapturous reception from the crowd.  "Earth is the cradle of humanity, but you can’t stay in the cradle forever," said Musk, who launched his SpaceX programme in February this year. "It’s time to go forth and be a star-faring civilisation, expand the scope and scale of human consciousness." Way to upstage an event, Elon.

But before we got distracted by the grand finale, Nolan’s emotional, uplifting three-minute film of the SpaceX Falcon Heavy launch, here’s what we learnt about the upcoming season of Westworld:

1. The reckoning is here

The top-secret trailer opened with Dolores Abernathy apparently preparing to execute the few surviving guests from the party at which she went wild with a shotgun at the end of season one. "Have you ever questioned the nature of your reality?" she asks them, slipping nooses around their necks, and brandishing her rifle. "Did you ever stop to wonder about your actions? The price you would have to pay if there was a reckoning? That reckoning is here."

"In season two she is multifaceted, she has access to all these different parts of herself," said Evan Rachel Wood, who plays the Reverend’s daughter turned rebel. "She is doing what needs to be done, and she is definitely leading the charge - she wants her freedom - but she is still so vulnerable, she still has this love, whether it’s programmed or not, that she is wrestling with."

2. We’ll travel to other worlds

Season one suggested that Delos, the fictitious company that owns the Westworld park, may have created other parks too, and the SXSW trailer confirmed that idea, with images of battles in Shogun World, and Thandie Newton, who stars as prostitute Maeve Mallay, as a kimono-clad warrior.  

A glimpse of Shogun World, from Westworld season 1
A glimpse of Shogun World, from Westworld season 1

When asked about the likelihood of audiences seeing further new worlds, Nolan declined to comment. "They’ve erased our memories too," quipped Jeffrey Wright, who plays Bernard Lowe.

3. Just because the robots know they are robots, nothing is going to be any less confusing

"Westworld is an onion, there’s always more layers that you are peeling back," said Wood. "Every time you think you know everything, they throw something else at you that just changes the game. We are going to see a lot of that in season two."

"They [the hosts] all reached some level of awakening by the end of the first season," added James Marsden, who plays gunslinger Teddy Flood. "But the identities that were created for them are now being replaced with the identities that they choose to create for themselves. That is something that is explored in this season too."

Evan Rachel Wood and Thandie Newton - Credit: Getty
Evan Rachel Wood and Thandie Newton Credit: Getty

4. The cast has no idea what’s going to happen to their characters either

"You don’t understand what this is like for us – we don’t know what is happening," said Newton. "We turned up at the beginning of season two, ready to go, and we had been told nothing. Episode to episode, we have no idea what is going to happen.

"I have ever wanted so little control in my life,’ she continued. "I have fought very hard to get control in my life, personally, professionally - I am still fighting. But for this show, I will say no to control, because it’s the dopest s___there is."

"The existential crisis is real," said Wood. "I didn’t know what was up or down at the end of season two – you just have to surrender."

Evan Rachel Wood as Delores
Evan Rachel Wood as Delores

5. The journey of self-discovery continues for all the characters

"There are questions we posit in this show that we don’t necessarily have all the answers to, especially about character, because character is a constant struggle for reinvention, definition and self-definition," said Joy.

"We see that in Dolores – she finally gets power for herself, but there is still the question of what to do with that power, how to reconcile it, how to be a new type of heroine."

"There’s so much tragedy,’ said Wood. "There has to be ashes for the phoenix to rise up from."

Bernard, meanwhile, says Joy, "is literally torn between two worlds". "He has been programmed to think he is human, but he’s a host. And you see him struggling with what the right moral and personal decisions are, in a landscape that is fraught with conflict."

"The arc of season two for Bernard is: What the f___ is going on?" agreed Wright.

Jeffrey Wright as Bernard
Jeffrey Wright as Bernard

6. But it’s not a ‘season two’ as you might traditionally think of it

"We needed to come up with a blueprint," said Nolan, about his vision for the show from the start. "We weren’t really interested in doing a television show; we wanted to treat it a little more like a film franchise, with each season being a new installment. And the only way to do that was to change the game, to challenge everyone – the audience, the writers, the actors, to reinvent the show every season."

7. If you want to work out what will happen, start from the beginning. The clues were there all along…

"I went back and watched the pilot not too long ago, just to see where we had begun," said Wright. "And there are things there - a lot of things."

"There are so many clues," agreed Wood.

Westworld season two will premiere on April 22, airing simultaneously on HBO in the US and Sky Atlantic in the UK