Westworld, season 2 episode 1, Journey Into Night recap: the twistiest show on TV is back with a vengeance

The season premiere of Westworld - ©2018 Home Box Office, Inc. All rights reserved. HBO® and all related programs are the propert
The season premiere of Westworld - ©2018 Home Box Office, Inc. All rights reserved. HBO® and all related programs are the propert

Warning: contains spoilers

Westworld, while undeniably popular, seems to split its audience. Some felt that season one was all a bit too clever for its own good, what with its multiple timelines, portentous philosophical themes and appropriately maze-like structure. Others thought it was brilliant, and that the intricate, elegant puzzles were an integral part of its appeal.

It's not something you could watch while half-asleep – but surely that's no bad thing? Whichever camp you fall into, however, you’ll likely enjoy the explosive season two opener. The park has fallen, the robots are out of control, everyone is panicking – and there’s bloodshed and action aplenty, as well as the usual sprinkling of mystery. If things continue in this vein, we’re in for an intense ride.

Look, the credits have changed!

They’re as melancholy and eerily compelling as ever, especially when accompanied by that haunting Ramin Djawadi theme music. But instead of the horse and rider from the season one credits, we’ve now got a magnificent charging bison.

Poignantly, too, the robot couple making love have been replaced by a figure of a mother tenderly cradling a baby. The image feels significant, given the decision that Maeve (Thandie Newton) made to return for her daughter at the end of season one: we suspect that her enduring love for her lost child is going to be a big theme this season. But wider parent-infant concepts – creation, reproduction, human birth v host birth – will also, probably, come into play.

‘You’d left me behind’: what was that the opening hinting at?

Before plunging us into the chaos of a truly wild Westworld, the show gave us a brief scene of Jeffrey Wright’s Bernard (or Arnold, presumably) and a long-ago conversation with Dolores (Evan Rachel Wood). “You’re growing. Learning so quickly. I’m frightened of what you might become. What path you might take,” he tells her – and, later on in the episode, we perhaps saw these fears take form. Dolores, since she gained consciousness, is infinitely more monstrous, but arguably more vulnerable, too. Her trauma can no longer be wiped clean.

From The Man in Black to Bernard Lowe: all you need to know about the cast and characters of Westworld

The pair’s discussion about dreams – specifically, about a dream that expresses a fear of being left behind – also felt like it could be foreshadowing something, and raised some significant questions. Will humans get left behind by the hosts? Will Bernard get left behind if he never embraces his full identity as a host, and continues to pose as a human? Is this a dream? Is any of it real? Was any of it ever real? What is “real”?  Only one thing is certain: the twistiest show on TV is back with a vengeance.

Dolores/Wyatt is terrifying

Ah, just look at our rancher’s daughter now. Riding on her horse, hair streaming in the wind, all fresh-faced and lovely – as she guns down screaming tourists to a jaunty player piano rendition of The Entertainer. Dolores was in full rampage mode – echoing the actions of the Man in Black last season. But, disturbing as some of the murders are, it was hard not to get cathartically caught up in all the violence; the way the camera lingers on the fear and horror of the human victims. The hosts, Dolores herself included, were the victims for most of season one – but the tables have truly turned.

Evan Rachel Wood as Delores
Evan Rachel Wood as Delores

It was stirring, too, to see our dangerous heroine utilise the language that was formerly used to oppress her, and to access things – intangible things like emotions, thoughts and true desires – previously reserved for her human masters. “You’re in a dream,” she tells a quivering guest, at one point. “You’re in my dream…. For years I had no dreams of my own.”  Did the guests, she asks, ever question the nature of their reality? Did they never think about “the price they’d have to pay if there was a reckoning?” 

Riding away as one of her victims – about to be executed – begs for his life, asking her if she can’t see that he’s sorry, she coolly notes: “Doesn’t look like anything to me”. It was the phrase the hosts used to use if accidentally shown something they weren’t “allowed” to see; something that might break their crafted reality. But Dolores, as the line makes clear, is now full in charge of her own reality.

But who is she now?

Above, we referred to the character as Dolores/Wyatt. But, as she acknowledges herself, both those people were just roles she was forced to play; pieces of Ford and Arnold-scripted code. Now she’s finally awake – and she gets to be herself. Whoever that might turn out to be.

Evan Rachel Wood and James Marsden
Evan Rachel Wood and James Marsden

In contrast, her partner Teddy (James Marsden), while loyal and supportive and clearly willing to stick with Dolores till the bitter end, just seems permanently baffled, still failing to grasp exactly what the stakes are. We’ve all had boyfriends like that – but, right now, there’s a bit of a glaring mismatch between the two. Teddy needs to wake up fast if he’s going to keep up with his super-charged, super-sentient significant other.

They're still quoting Romeo and Juliet 

Violent delights, in case you hadn’t worked it by now, have violent ends. But while this certainly seems to have held true for many of the unlucky guests, whose bodies litter the park and the Westworld hotel area, it’s now Dolores herself indulging in most of the delight-giving violence. What will this mean for her, in the long run? Is her bid for escape doomed to fail?

The ‘You’re daughter, she’s just a story’ scene was interesting

First things first: we’re loving the Maeve-Lee double act. The inclusion of the Westworld writer-in-residence (Simon Quarterman) in the episode provided some much-needed comic relief, as poor Lee, of the hackneyed tales and cliched characters, was confronted, out-smarted and effectively controlled by one of his own creations. The fact that Maeve can now command other hosts – while Lee’s former authority, as a human employee, is become useless – also provided a neat reversal.

Simon Quarterman and Thandie Newton in Westworld
Simon Quarterman and Thandie Newton in Westworld

But various disconcerting moments reminded us that, pivotal decision to return for her daughter aside, Maeve’s awakening was itself an entirely scripted narrative. As an incredulous Lee notes at one point, she still sometimes speaks in lines he wrote for her.

It was his reaction to the crucial daughter revelation, however, that provided the episode with one of its most incidentally thought-provoking moments. “You were wasted as a homesteader,” he tells Maeve, unaware of her driving desire. “They even saddled you with a kid or something yawn-inducingly domestic.” Shocked to realise she’s actually on a quest to recover this “yawn-inducing” child, he tries to tell her that none of it was ever real. “I say this because you seem really distraught and, well, awake,” he says. “But your daughter. She’s just a story. Something we programmed.”

Maeve’s violent, outraged reaction – in which she reminds Lee that the emotions coursing through her body, and her lived experience, are every bit as real as anything he himself might be experiencing – was powerful stuff. There were also (this is Westworld, after all) wider philosophical implications. Aren’t we all, ultimately, just a sum of the stories we choose to believe about ourselves? And isn’t everything we feel just biological code? Maeve’s daughter is real to Maeve – and, for her, that’s all that matters.

The full-frontal male nudity was nice (thematically, we mean)

There was, after all, plenty of female nudity in season one. Seeing Lee forced to strip – not just by a woman, but by a host – felt like a very visual sign that Things Really Are Different Now.

Is Bernard going to be able to hide his true nature?

We saw him suffering from “critical corruption”, battling to fix himself and inject some much-needed robot-fluid without revealing his secret to Charlotte Hale – and, so far, Bernard seems to be keeping his newfound secret. For good reason, too: waking up later on that beach, to grim scenes of hosts being executed by firing squad, would have reminded him just how high the stakes are. At some point, however, he’s surely going to have to pick a side? How long can he keep the pretence up?

That haunting (and horribly evocative) image of a sea-that-shouldn’t-be, littered with dead hosts, was also deeply mysterious. Just what happened here? What did Bernard do – and what is he going to do next? How much can he really remember, and how much can he rely on his own memories? We spent a large part of season one asking questions about Bernard – and it’s clear that Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy don’t want us to stop doing that anytime soon.

There are at least six parks – and one has tigers

Bengal tigers, to be precise (confirmed after a dead one washed up on a shore in Westworld). We already know that we’ll be seeing a Shogun World at some point this season – but will we get a glimpse of any of the other Delos parks? Fingers crossed.

Drone hosts are every bit as chilling as promised

After we first caught a glimpse of one in the season two promotional material, the creepy, white, faceless robots known as drone hosts caused quite a stir. (They were creepy, after all. They were white and faceless.)

Bernard with a drone
Bernard with a drone

This episode, we got a proper look at the humanoid yet obviously inhuman creatures, and their existence provided yet another uncomfortable parallel between Westworld’s robots and slavery. The drone hosts don’t have personalities, or voices, or faces, because their makers decided they didn’t need these things. They just need to fetch and carry; to push buttons and keep things running. Their hands can carry out delicate tasks, with unnervingly human dexterity, but they can never look you in the eye.

With faceless slaves like this at their disposal, it’s frighteningly easy to understand how the Westworld employees were able to simultaneously dehumanise the more lifelike hosts used in the park. To them, they were all just different kinds of machines.

So what is Westworld really for?

That line about how Delos was collecting DNA from guests along with records of their experiences? Interesting hint there, we think, about what the organisation’s real underlying purpose might have been (and probably still is).


We’ve had our first mention of “The Door”

It’s the overall title of this season (just as “The Maze” was for season one) – and also, apparently, the title of Ford’s last “game”, as confirmed by that scene with the Man in Black and the Little Boy host. “In this game, you have to make it back out,” the robot says. “In this game, you must find the door.”

We already know, courtesy of Jonathan Nolan, that “If the first season was a journey inward, this [season two] is a journey outward”. The Westworld co-showrunner previously said: “This is a search for what is else is beyond the park, and what else is in the park. Are there more parks? How big is the park? What’s beyond the park?”

The Man in Black, it seems, is going to play an intimate part in this new tale of escape and discovery – as is everyone else, whether they like it or not.

Season 2 of Westworld begins on April 23 on Sky Atlantic. Or watch with a two week free trial of the NOW TV Entertainment Pass