West Virginia Resort Welcomes First Snowfall Of The Season

It's not unusual for ski resorts in the North American west to see their first snowfall before the middle of October, but what about West Virginia...?

Snowshoe Mountain is West Virginia's largest ski resort by nearly all metrics, and with a peak elevation of nearly 5,000 feet above sea level, the popular resort is known for getting snow while the rest of the surrounding area receives rain.

Instagram account Ski Southeast posted a video of Snowshoe's first snowfall of the season on Sunday, October 8th, 2023. Check out the video below:

The snow is clearly melting once it hits the ground, but surely a few flakes in the beginning of October should be enough to quench the thirst of skiers in the region, right?

Skiers and riders will have to wait a few more weeks before Snowshoe opens. The resort has set their targeted opening day for November 22, 2023, conditions and weather permitting.

Need another video of the snow to hold you over? Fear not, we've got you covered. Take a look at the video filmed by Peter Forester and shared to X/Twitter below:

Opening days across the country will be here before we know it. Are you ready?

Stay in the loop with all of the daily skiing news and entertainment you're looking for right here at Powder. We'll keep you covered throughout the season!

Winter is coming. Think snow.

Snowshoe Mountain Trail Map (Western Territory, Snowshoe Basin, Silver Creek)<p>Snowshoe Mountain</p>
Snowshoe Mountain Trail Map (Western Territory, Snowshoe Basin, Silver Creek)

Snowshoe Mountain

Snowshoe Mountain Stats/Info:

Vertical: 1,500 ft.

Skiable Terrain: N/A

Average Snowfall: 150 in.

Trails: 56

Lifts: 14

Snowmaking: YES

Night Skiing: YES

Mega-Pass: Ikon

One last thing... Let's goooooo Mountaineers!

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