We're Stocking Up On These Brilliant Target Snack Kits for Movie Night

Talk about a blockbuster find.



We don't need it to be summer vacation to throw a movie night, but it sure does give us a good excuse. And Target just gave us another excuse with its new ready-to-go Night at the Movies snack kit that makes movie night munching even easier. This delightful bundle brings all the excitement of a trip to the theater right to your couch. Lights, camera, action!

Thanks to @allthingstarget on Instagram, we now know that Target, our favorite destination for everything we need (and don't need)—and home to some especially great Good & Gather groceries—has us covered with cinema-inspired treats that the whole family will get excited about.

Why We Love Target's Night at the Movies Snack Kit

According to the package, Target's Night at the Movies tote serves 8 to 12 moviegoers and stars popcorn and candy in leading roles, as one would hope. Specifically, it includes a box of microwave popcorn with six individual bags, gummy worms, peach-flavored gummy rings, and dark chocolate pretzel bark chips. Sounds like the makings of a great popcorn salad, if you ask us. With the ease of having everything together in one place, you'll have more time to snuggle up, press play, and lose yourself in the moment.

Each element is perfect to enjoy on its own, or you can use the goodies to make snack trays and spreads for an extra special event. You can also use this kit as a jumping-off point to inspire a whole blockbuster spread for family and friends. Summer is about making memories after all.

All of these goodies cost just $10 total, according to the post. After some sleuthing, it appears these aren't available in every Target store, yet. But, if they are offered by at your local store, they can likely be found in an endcap by the refrigerated foods, near other grocery gems like the Good & Gather salad kits and tasty frozen indulgences.

Not only do we want to stock up on these tote bag kits for ourselves, but the snack pack extravaganzas would also make a great gift to bring over when someone else is hosting movie night. It comes conveniently and festively packaged—all you need is a microwave and a big bowl (or several).

So the next time you're on a Target run, scope out the aisles and treat yourself and your loved ones to a Night at the Movies.