Sorority Sisters, Tell Us The Secrets That Only Girls In Your Chapter Know

For a lot of girls, a sorority is the place you call home during college. You know the spiel: "It's not four years, it's for life." "These are the women who are going to be your bridesmaids!"

In 'Legally Blonde", Elle Woods celebrates with a big smile as sorority sisters surround her

But even for those to whom sorority sisters really are sisters, there's always at least one Big Event that goes down during those four years that makes you rethink whether those dues really are worth it. So, whether you loved your sorority or hated it, I wanna hear your stories!

Screenshot from

"Wow... you hired the exorcist!"

Columbia Pictures

Maybe there was always drama over formals dates, or even a messy, intra-house cheating scandal.

From the film 'So Undercover': an unsure pledge surrounded by cheering sorority sisters looks like she doesn't want to be there

It's nice to be looped in to the gossip...but did anyone else sometimes get drama updates from the formal dates Excel spreadsheet?

Exclusive Media Group

Perhaps you got called to standards for something that was blown out of proportion, or not your fault, or just plain stupid.

In a scene from Neighbors 2, sorority sisters appear to be confronting somebody
Universal Pictures

Maybe your friend group had a giant fight your junior year. Problems like bad roommates or backstabbing friends can build over time, resulting in one pivotal moment that changed it all.

In 'Legally Blonde', Elle Woods looks at a piece of paper in dismay as friends look on

We don't all have something as big as that infamous DG email. But whatever scandal you have — Serial liars? Pointless drama? Hazing accusations? — give me alll the juicy details in the comments. Or, if you want to remain anonymous, you can submit an answer using this Google form. Your response may be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!

In the film 'House Bunny', Anna Farris' character gives Emma Stone's a stern talk
Columbia Pictures