Non-Rich Folks Who Went To A Rich School, What Was It Like?

Many parents work super hard to scrape up enough money to send their children to expensive schools. They hope that providing their kids with an excellent education will help them achieve the American Dream.

Fancy school with large clock on the building
Peterspiro / Getty Images/iStockphoto

But it can be really tough for kids who don't come from money to fit in and feel comfortable at rich schools.

Student writing alone
Monkeybusinessimages / Getty Images/iStockphoto

Maybe you took instant ramen to microwave at school while your friends bought expensive sushi in the cafeteria, and you were always embarrassed about it.

Cup of noodles
Barnabychambers / Getty Images/iStockphoto

Perhaps you missed out on big events like dances and field trips because your parents couldn't afford them, and you felt left out when everyone in class would talk about how fun those days were.

Teenagers at prom laughing
Kali9 / Getty Images

Or maybe you had trouble making friends because everyone at your high school drove fancy cars and had big houses, so you didn't want to invite anyone to your apartment where you shared a room with your sibling.

Sisters in their room on their phones
Mark Mawson / Getty Images

Whatever it is, we wanna know! Tell us about your experience as a poor kid at a rich school for a chance to be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!